What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Oh man, we still have people around here wearing masks. It's hilarious.

Especially people wearing a mask outside, or alone in a car. Generally anyone wearing a mask is funny.
Nassau County banned masks recently and an 18yo kid was the first to get arrested.

He had a 14 inch knife in his pants and was planning to commit a robbery.

Go figure.
That's a given, but then so is accepting that Trump is a felon. You can be a Trumper, but at least accept his realities. Those are not mutually exclusive. It's when his supporters ignore the facts or make excuses for those facts they begin to lose touch with reality.
That may be true, but there is also such a thing as selective law enforcement and prosecution. If we both break the same laws and I'm caught, but not charged, and you're caught and convicted, does that make me a better citizen? Should I be held in higher esteem, because nobody was made aware of my crime?

I'm not "for" any particular politician, but there are many public officials that have been caught, but not convicted of a wide range of crimes, doesn't mean that they are better suited to hold public office.
That may be true, but there is also such a thing as selective law enforcement and prosecution. If we both break the same laws and I'm caught, but not charged, and you're caught and convicted, does that make me a better citizen? Should I be held in higher esteem, because nobody was made aware of my crime?

I'm not "for" any particular politician, but there are many public officials that have been caught, but not convicted of a wide range of crimes, doesn't mean that they are better suited to hold public office.
Now do that scenario but place Biden in the same role. Still feel the same? Nope!!!
there is also such a thing as selective law enforcement and prosecution.
You mean like the guy who steals a 15yr old junker worth $100 and is arrested, tried and convicted within months, vs the good ole boy who defrauds taxpayers of millions, and is out playing golf instead? Couldn't agree with you more.
Go clean your room.

Your the quite quiter that doesn't want to participate so you moved out in the country if I remember you correctly. Waiting for the great collapse. Do you even vote?

All you do is try to label everyone. And not very good at that. Identify politics.

Poor thing you. It's just not fair. Bunch of meanies. Wait, I mean racist bullies. What are you 20?

You know with a chaotic mentality like that equals a chaotic environment...the room he undoubtedly hangs out in 90% of the time.
Now do that scenario but place Biden in the same role. Still feel the same? Nope!!!
3 exclamation marks, I'm flattered. I happen to like Joe Biden. Seems like you're twisted up over Trump being a convicted Felon. My point is that a lot of politicians are "would be" convicted Felons, but the fact that they are not "caught and convicted" doesn't make them "righteous". I think that applies to everyone.