What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Since you guys are still yapping about this, allow me a moment to invoke those immortal words of Rodney King ...

Can't we all just get alo ...... Ouch. That shit hurts.
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I just can't stomach reading the garbage the 3 Libbies write, so they have there own club.
I'd never put anyone on ignore until a few weeks ago. And I've been on here close to 15 years.

But I'm starting to love that damn thing. I think I'm up to 8 idiots now.

But the nicest thing about is the fact that they no longer exist in my world. Just a distant memory that's fading pretty damn fast.
Minimizing the offence is an example ignoring the behavior. Clearly if Harris had committed the same offences, MAGA would be storming the Whitehouse demanding jail time and disqualification as a candidate.
Not treating it in the propagandized way you want me to isn't minimizing it.

And yes, there are some who probably would. And you can say those people are crazy, but your party IS demanding jail time and disqualification as a candidate, so...
Insinuating that 34 felony counts aren't "real" crimes (your words, not mine) is a textbook example of minimizing the crimes.
34 felony counts for a disputed accounting method (has anyone every had a column that says NDA agreements in their books) always charged as a misdemeanor by a DA who downgrades most (including violent) felonies somehow tied to some obscure campaign violation in a jurisdiction where 90% of people hate the man.

That's an actual description. Again, couldn't care less. And neither could you or anyone else. You just see it as an opportunity to use people's principle's against them (how could you vote for a felon?!?!) and it doesn't work.