Build referral networks with mortgage guys and realtors. You can always attend mixers and walk into places BUT I've found a better way. Every single time a lender calls for evidence of insurance on a new purchase, or a refi, don't just email or fax it. Physically drive it to their office and introduce yourself. Tell them (hopefully) you represent a bunch of carriers and would be happy to help their clients anytime. If you're doing insurance for a new home purchase ALWAYS find out who the lender and realtor are. Hell you could even go a step further and contact the listing agent using the excuse "you handled the insurance for the buyer on such and such property..." It's all about finding creative reasons to put yourself out there. Same thing when car dealers call for insurance cards etc (although that lends to questionable non standard business ...) you'd be amazed on How many warm opportunities are out there. Even start with whatever agent sold your personal home. If a client calls because they sold or are selling a home...reach out to that listing agent. In the beginning times I would visit open houses on weekends just to meet agents (although I made it seem like I was shopping.)
I'm sure Todd02 has good input...he writes $400,000 a month in premium and after 2 years has a $90,000,000 book ...all with one carrier!!
Insurance1822 goes even one step further, Facebook stalks the Realator, digs in their trash and cries himself to sleep wishing he had my life.
Must sting pretty bad to know I'm better looking, more successful and have a smoking hot wife. Lmao