Who has 22- 25 dollar Direct mail FE leads?

That helps the agent a little and helps the client a lot.
Cool. Why don't you list several things that help an agent be more successful?
-lead financing
-charge backs on back end to help with cash flow

On 2nd thought I need to leave your little playground and get to work. Have a good weekend!
I don't have a downline and I'm not a FMO, so I'll let Todd take that one. :yes:

You have a good weekend too. Time for another bowl. :jiggy:
-Charge backs are deducted on the back end and NOT from their advances

You keep saying that as if it is a good thing... :confused:

It is a recipe for disaster for a new agent that may have persistency issues.. It can put him in a debt hole that he will never be able to repay. Charge backs should be paid immediately so they don't accumulate..
Are you just stupid or what? I stated that we give out 110% - 125% for agents. It depends on the company. Now, I've said what we start agents at (brand new agents), so why don't you say what you actually do? You know exactly what I said and what I meant when I said it. This is just more of your avoidance factor! Stop acting like a dumbass.
I'm relatively new on this forum and kinda interested how this pissing contest got started, just curiosity.
I heard someone talking about $22.00 direct mail leads with zero to fifty thousand income filter and 55-80 age filter included.
I was told they look just like (lead connections) or (need a leads) style card.

Do these exist? what's the word on the street?

only talking about direct mail no others.

okay I found the company what they do is:

$23.00 set price per lead in your choice of zip codes. With age 55-80 filter and life insurance on the lead card included.
They do have other filters available such as tighter age groups like 60-75 etc for 1 or 2 dollars more.

They said after they scan the lead cards to you they also mail them out to you. Ensuring the lead cards that you purchased will not be resold to a different agent.

their deposit requirement is 2 weeks worth of Leed cost and at 23.00 I think is very doable, especially for those agents that can't afford the deposit that other premium mail house vendors have.

All areas are available.

so far sounds awesome, I should have more details soon.
You keep saying that as if it is a good thing... :confused:

It is a recipe for disaster for a new agent that may have persistency issues.. It can put him in a debt hole that he will never be able to repay. Charge backs should be paid immediately so they don't accumulate..

Rouse you are so wrong! I'm not going to copy cat Todd and call you stupid though. I've been doing this since Feb 10, 1999. I'm cosigning for my agents' debt when it goes on the back end. I'm taking a risk to help my agents. How much experience do you have with this yourself Rouse?

Todd can't or won't do this for his agents. But they can call me and I'll help them.

Also, SL also does 75% advances with immediate charge backs like the other carriers do. Agents get to make their decision on this with their manager's approval.

Rouse, as you well know, lots of agents get knocked out of the game when they have a streak of charge backs coming from their advances....and they're not bringing any $$$ home for awhile.

Lots of you guys are up here pounding your chests all day long trying to look smart and successful. People with a brain know that an agent can not hang around here several hours a day every day and be successful. If they're retired like you that would be different.

No one carrier has the best of everything. But Senior Life's total package blows the other carriers out of the water.....
-lead financing
-$25 DM leads with life insurance and burial expenses printed on them, no PO Boxes either.
-group health, group disability, group term and more
-There's much more but then Todd will accuse me of trying to steal his agents.
Hey dude,this sounds really great.

What's the look back period to get 1st day coverage for:

2.Heart attack
6.Oxygen prescribed
7.Hep C
8.COPD Tobacco

Is your modified 2 or 3 year wait for full coverage ?

What's the rate for a male 65 T 10k modified?

What's your contract,street level for independent agents that supply their own leads ?


I'm still looking for the answers to these questions?

How difficult is it to tell me the answers ?

What's good about any part of your offer if your company fails to underwrite,place the client in a favorable situation with day 1 coverage and a very competitive premium ?

Please answer so we know how the proposed insured and the agent is better off .

How hard is that ?

Thank You
I'm still looking for the answers to these questions?

How difficult is it to tell me the answers ?

What's good about any part of your offer if your company fails to underwrite,place the client in a favorable situation with day 1 coverage and a very competitive premium ?

Please answer so we know how the proposed insured and the agent is better off .

How hard is that ?

Thank You
I'll let the Florida IMO answer those questions for you. If you were serious about knowing the answers you'd have already called.