Who Only Works Appointments and Makes a Great Living?

I got an alert that someone liked an old post. I was curious so I opened it. This thread had a little of everything.

But Dave's post below was worth a quote. IMohsoHO

The longer you stay in this business, the luckier you will get.

I got a call today from a client I have bunch of insurance with; she asked for my help face-to-face to do some service work. I intended to door knock some direct mail leads, but decided to drop everything, drive 90 minutes out of my way to help her, as I know if I keep her satisfied, she'd probably buy more.

Sure enough, I got ink on a significant size application.

My point in mentioning this is that I've discovered, much like John, Travis, and others, if you fight tooth and nail to survive in this business, you kinda-sorta "create your own luck" with referrals and policy increases on existing customers.

I am to the point where I am writing about 4 to 5 monthly unsolicited referrals or increasing coverage on existing customers. Admittedly, this kind of stuff has saved my arse on several occasions where I had "light" weeks and helped me turn the so-so week in production to a solid goal-achievement week of production.
Could have had Gooner take a 3 hour detour when he was out here.

However.... She is on dialysis he is insulin dependent. On him the rates are not low enough to replace these 6 year old LH policies. I had their insurance prior to that but cut them off after several lapse reinstatements. Also the LH guy is a buddy that I have a business relationship with. So I can not turn one these cut throats loose on them.

This cracked me up. I have cut this family of so many times and said I will not write them again. Delivered a new policy on the 40 yr old son yesterday.
The new FE forum has gone a bit lame so I've been hanging out in a van down by the river that runs through these old threads.

The are the good, the bad, and the downright ugly at times lol

It was a better place when agents were producers and not recruiters.
That.. but it is better now that every thread does not turn into a brawl filled with insults..