Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

Which side of the political spectrum do you lean towards?

  • Far right (Ultra conservative)

  • Mid right (Conservative)

  • Centrist (Maybe a little left or right but mostly centered)

  • Mid left (Liberal)

  • Far left (Ultra Liberal)

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That scared my brain... and guess what... they willbe the ones to make decisions about your Healthcare.

I will probably have my wings before those loonies are in charge of everything.

That's one positive about being old. I tell my first wife that we are short-timers and only have to put up with this shit for a few more years.

Not selfish . . . privileged . . .
I will probably have my wings before those loonies are in charge of everything.

That's one positive about being old. I tell my first wife that we are short-timers and only have to put up with this shit for a few more years.

Not selfish . . . privileged . . .


I was just speaking with my first wife today about life, as we sat on our yard swing and enjoyed the sunshine. Gotta get that vitamin D somehow, might as well do it with a friend. :biggrin:
No, it doesn't. It's not possible for a generation to go through an entire childhood/young adulthood of communist indoctrination, then live in the grown up world without tons of them realizing they've been duped. They're literally being taught an upside-down view of the world, there's no way reality doesn't sink in.

I think we've had this exchange before. Communist indoctrination is a stretch. Most kids and young adults are just trying to figure out how to make it in the confines of our economy as it stands. The left in this country still serves a capitalistic system.

Sure there's more. Some people have personal connections that give them tons of sales. Some people are naturally better at talking to/influencing people. Some people get preferential treatment from management. Etc.

Sales teaches you that none of that matters. If you don't accept that life isn't fair, you don't stay in sales.

Fair enough. Life is far from fair.

Do you think young people are being taught to understand a variety of worldviews?

Yes. Especially those who care to understand them. Personally, I find the variety fascinating. I've been around the world and I know I'm just scratching the surface.

I can't even take this seriously. We're looking at 2 trees, one 3 feet tall and the other 20 feet tall and you're telling me you believe the 3 foot one is taller. I don't know what to do with that other than to tell you to examine your biases because they're literally distorting your thought that much.

Well, I thought that's what I was doing. Who can say they are free of bias? How do you examine your own? Here in Florida, our governor is pushing some fairly extreme house bills. The neo-nazis are eating it up.
Communist indoctrination is a stretch. Most kids and young adults are just trying to figure out how to make it in the confines of our economy as it stands. The left in this country still serves a capitalistic system.

That's a pretty broad claim, care to elaborate?
I think we've had this exchange before. Communist indoctrination is a stretch. Most kids and young adults are just trying to figure out how to make it in the confines of our economy as it stands. The left in this country still serves a capitalistic system.

Dude, stop. It's not a stretch. At all. There isn't a "the left." There's the democrats, who are now completely unviable without pandering to their communist wing.


Do you know what Critical Pedagogy is? Look into it. It has become the educational standard in the US. It was devised by a communist (Paulo Freire) for the expressed purpose of using education as a means to make people communist revolutionaries. The guy is one of the most-cited scholars in ANY field. I know what I'm talking about and you're wrong. You just are.

Yes. Especially those who care to understand them. Personally, I find the variety fascinating. I've been around the world and I know I'm just scratching the surface.

Again, you're wrong. I'm talking about education in the US. Kids are taught that the neo-communist view is THE correct one and people only disagree because they're brainwashed (by what the communists formally call our "superstructure", a state they call "false consciousness") or protecting their "privilege."

Well, I thought that's what I was doing. Who can say they are free of bias? How do you examine your own? Here in Florida, our governor is pushing some fairly extreme house bills. The neo-nazis are eating it up.

Your governor is doing exactly what the people who elected him want him to do. That you're talking about "neo-Nazis" over a guy who's banning graphic porn books in schools, pushing the death penalty for child rapists, reinforcing private women's spaces (which everyone in the world agreed with forever until 10 minutes ago)...it's crazy. The dude isn't perfect, but come on.
That's a pretty broad claim, care to elaborate?

Which one? That most kids and young adults go to school and are expected to find employment? That most of them will participate in the capitalist economy whether they like it or not? Or that democrats (I'm talking elected officials here) support the tenets of property ownership, job creation, industry, etc?
Which one? That most kids and young adults go to school and are expected to find employment? That most of them will participate in the capitalist economy whether they like it or not? Or that democrats (I'm talking elected officials here) support the tenets of property ownership, job creation, industry, etc?

The topic was education. The entire point of Critical Pedagogy is that classical education just teaches kids to get jobs and be cogs in an exploitative machine (capitalism), so we need to instead use education to make them see this and be motivated to overthrow it. It's the reason, for example, using phonics to teach them to read fell out of favor. It's why we have districts where practically no kids can read well but they can all point out countless "identities" that are oppressed by society.
Dude, stop. It's not a stretch. At all. There isn't a "the left." There's the democrats, who are now completely unviable without pandering to their communist wing.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - Colorado teachers union passes resolution declaring capitalism 'inherently exploits children, public schools'

Do you know what Critical Pedagogy is? Look into it. It has become the educational standard in the US. It was devised by a communist (Paulo Freire) for the expressed purpose of using education as a means to make people communist revolutionaries. The guy is one of the most-cited scholars in ANY field. I know what I'm talking about and you're wrong. You just are.

Again, you're wrong. I'm talking about education in the US. Kids are taught that the neo-communist view is THE correct one and people only disagree because they're brainwashed (by what the communists formally call our "superstructure", a state they call "false consciousness") or protecting their "privilege."

Do you know any teachers? They're having a hard enough getting kids to stop vaping, using cell phones, and fighting in their classrooms. Hell, they're struggling to get kids to show up to class in the first place. But students are all ears for the daily lesson in Marxism? Or do you think they're becoming communist revolutionaries without realizing it - like sleeper agents?

FWIW, I read The Pedagogy of the Oppressed many years ago. If it's become the core of the US education system, I suppose we're not far off from the revolution eh?

Your governor is doing exactly what the people who elected him want him to do. That you're talking about "neo-Nazis" over a guy who's banning graphic porn books in schools, pushing the death penalty for child rapists, reinforcing private women's spaces (which everyone in the world agreed with forever until 10 minutes ago)...it's crazy. The dude isn't perfect, but come on.

Yeah, I dunno about that. I know a lot of people who voted for him who regret it. Of course, the alternative would've been a different kind of disaster. Don't get it twisted though, there is a fringe white supremacist movement in Florida DeSantis has not condemned. And what of these graphic porn books? There's a lot of pearl clutching over illustrations of things that probably don't belong in public school libraries... but it's given super religious parents the power to bark up the tree and have books they personally don't like banned. I get that parents should be able to shelter their children as much as they like, but they don't have to shelter other people's children.