Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

Which side of the political spectrum do you lean towards?

  • Far right (Ultra conservative)

  • Mid right (Conservative)

  • Centrist (Maybe a little left or right but mostly centered)

  • Mid left (Liberal)

  • Far left (Ultra Liberal)

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One term younger than Biden in years and a decade younger in cognitive age.

Argue differently.

I did did not and am not voting for either one. How about you?
They're both too old, and one's also a crook, so hopefully more choices surface.
They're both too old, and one's also a crook, so hopefully more choices surface.

Sniffing girls hair, storing classified documents at an unsecure location without permission, and picking a VP based on race and gender are all unethical and illegal, but I don't know if I'd call him a crook. But I guess you have a point, Joe Biden has committed several crimes. The hair sniffing is definitely the creepiest.
It will, and I'm sure of it for a very specific reason. Young people are being lied to about the world in an organized fashion. People who go into/stay in sales, in particular, will absolutely realize they've been lied to. This will inevitably affect their political beliefs in a way that moves them well to the right of where they started. Commission is a reality slap that makes people more conservative...it just is.

I think I see what you're getting at here. Is it that young people are being sold an extremely pessimistic outlook of their future, if they even have a future? That they're being screwed over in every aspect of their lives by the oppressive ruling class?

The doomer thing is definitely depressing - and exaggerated for effect. But at its core, it's not completely farfetched. I suppose this generation's likelihood of shifting right with age depends on the degree to which these trends manifest. Regardless of if/when they manifest enough to create a major upheaval, part of the lie they are being sold is to blame a single class of people, right? Tell me if I'm off base here, but I could see where the sales experience might solidify left-leaning views as well. Ideally it's a merit-based, hustle-based pursuit. Risk+effort=reward. We both know there's more to it than that.

I think you're a nice guy, but you can't really believe that. The left's entire worldview and modus operandi is currently conspiracy theory and bullying. Literally.

Yes, there is some retaliatory stuff going on on the right, but that's to be expected when their opposition deliberately provokes them for the purpose of politicizing their reaction. Once people on the right start to understand this and strategize accordingly, the D's are completely impotent.

I think you're probably a nice guy too. I can tell you're definitely a smart guy. And I'll say again, I appreciate an educated and thoughtful perspective from "across the aisle." I think it's important in sales and marketing, and especially life in general to try to understand a variety of worldviews.

That said, yeah. I believe the GOP has become more extreme than the left in the last twenty years. Far more ghouls on the right, no? Both sides have alienated a significant part of the populace though. There it is, the both-sidesism.
Sniffing girls hair, storing classified documents at an unsecure location without permission, and picking a VP based on race and gender are all unethical and illegal, but I don't know if I'd call him a crook. But I guess you have a point, Joe Biden has committed several crimes. The hair sniffing is definitely the creepiest.
I guess that answered my question as to whether or not you read newspapers other than the Star or Enquirer. Look over your shoulder at the elephant in the room.
I believe the GOP has become more extreme than the left in the last twenty years.

Me too... I was astonished to see all those Young Republicans burning buildings and looting stores during the "close down" of 2020

I think you're probably a nice guy too.

Not me... he's got shifty eyes. :laugh:

Young people are being lied to about the world in an organized fashion.

So true. I teach college students and post college singles at my church. The junk they have to wade through to get to an education is amazing. When I reference historical happenings or time lines, I far too often see how little of our own heritage they are aware of.


Conversation with a head UW this past week swerved into the number of pre-teens that are contemplating suicide... I don't think I had any clue what suicide was in my pre-teens. I'm talking 8 year old's.
But not so far left that I go along with birth males competing against birth females in sports

I was reading a scholarly article about health issues most often affecting women and was surprised to see the phrase "born female or assigned female at birth".

How did things get so wacky?

Another article mentioned the "trans" phenomena now includes "transracial" implying you can change the color of your skin at will . . . and "transdisabled" which included references to those who not only buy/rent a wheelchair so the can "identify" with disabled people but some ask for amputations. I doubt any doctor would comply with the request and remove a healthy limb but that does not mean they won't self amputate.