Why are most insurance agents politically conservative?

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Do you know any teachers? They're having a hard enough getting kids to stop vaping, using cell phones, and fighting in their classrooms. Hell, they're struggling to get kids to show up to class in the first place. But students are all ears for the daily lesson in Marxism? Or do you think they're becoming communist revolutionaries without realizing it - like sleeper agents?

Yes, one side of my family is almost all teachers. This is something I've been diving into for almost 10 years now.

FWIW, I read The Pedagogy of the Oppressed many years ago. If it's become the core of the US education system, I suppose we're not far off from the revolution eh?

I'll assume you're being honest about having read it. THAT man is maybe the most cited scholar IN THE WORLD, in ANY field. By far the most influential figure in current education and it's not close. How can you have possibly read that and disagree with me about the current state of education?

Yeah, I dunno about that. I know a lot of people who voted for him who regret it.

1) I don't believe you. 2) His approval rating is HIGHER than it was right before the election, which he won in a landslide.

Of course, the alternative would've been a different kind of disaster. Don't get it twisted though, there is a fringe white supremacist movement in Florida DeSantis has not condemned.

I'm telling you, the commie junk is working on you. "Why haven't you denounced..." over and over is an old commie tactic. The guy won a majority of Latino voters, he even flipped Miami-Dade County for crying out loud.

And what of these graphic porn books? There's a lot of pearl clutching over illustrations of things that probably don't belong in public school libraries... but it's given super religious parents the power to bark up the tree and have books they personally don't like banned.

Don't play with me, friend. We're talking about graphic depictions of sexual acts, instruction on how to use sex toys and find porn on the internet, etc. There is no "probably." Even the instances of books people hold up as examples of "too far" aren't what you think they are. And if there are a few oversteps...so what? That can be dealt with. Excusing the stuff they were allowing in schools is revolting. Period. Ask yourself how that stuff ever got in there to begin with.

I get that parents should be able to shelter their children as much as they like, but they don't have to shelter other people's children.

And parents can teach their kids to be race-obsessed, transgender revolutionary porn addicts if they want, but they have no right to push that on other people's children.
Communist indoctrination is a stretch.

Well then lets call it socialism if that helps. :huh:

But this leads us to the current picture in the landscape. I see a cow, you see a giraffe; I see a money pit, you see utopia; I see a boy, you see a girl... or whatever.

Can someone explain to me how I am supposed to have a meaningful conversation about a cow with someone on the other side agreeing with me and commenting on how wonderful it is to see it eating leaves from a tree using its long neck. :nah:

I have never claimed to be the sharpest spork in the drawer...
Old White Privileged Hetero Boomer?!

Guilty, except when I choose to IDENTIFY as a straight Pacific Islander

I was just speaking with my first wife today about life, as we sat on our yard swing and enjoyed the sunshine. Gotta get that vitamin D somehow, might as well do it with a friend. :biggrin:

My first wife get's annoyed with me when I call her that (first wife) . . . she reminds me that she is my ONLY wife
Communist indoctrination is a stretch. Most kids and young adults are just trying to figure out how to make it in the confines of our economy as it stands. The left in this country still serves a capitalistic system.
That's a pretty broad claim, care to elaborate?
Which one?

The claim I quoted, which I interpreted as "Most young people are focused on navigating the current economy, rather than being indoctrinated with communism, and the left still operates within a capitalist system."

Let's examine your questions since you decided to pose them

That most kids and young adults go to school and are expected to find employment? That most of them will participate in the capitalist economy whether they like it or not?
If someone decides not to participate in the capitalist system, they would need to find alternative ways to meet their basic needs, such as growing their own food, building their own shelter, and providing their own healthcare. It sounds like it would be a very challenging and time-consuming task, and it would not be possible for many people. Additionally, even in alternative systems, such as anarchism, communism, or socialism, individuals would still be required to contribute to some extent in order to sustain the community or society. Is there a real alternative to that in any system that's any better?

Or that democrats (I'm talking elected officials here) support the tenets of property ownership, job creation, industry, etc?

Again, what's the alternative? I assume you think there is an alternative to these tenets. Perhaps the utopian communist society that was written about by Marx. He believed communism could be a stateless society where the means of production and distribution are collectively owned and managed by the community. In this sense, there would be no government in the traditional sense of the word, as no central authority controls or directs society. Now.. show me one communist country where that has played out?

Several countries have attempted to establish socialist or communist systems, such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and Vietnam, among others. However, these countries typically have centralized governments controlling the economy and political system. In these systems, property has often been owned by the state rather than the community as a whole, and individual freedoms have been limited to achieve collective goals.

These countries have faced challenges and criticisms, including human rights abuses, lack of political freedom, and economic inefficiency. Despite this, young people in our country are indoctrinated by a false hope that these other systems are somehow better.
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