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Why Don't You Cold Call?

Why Don't You Cold Call?

  • No good script

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • No good list

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too busy

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • I do cold call

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
OK....honestly? I mean this in all possible sincerity. I haven't been "cold calling" because I really need someone to work with me at it, and my DM doesn't know how to coach.

I don't have a problem getting on the phone or going door-to-door but I have to be completely honest--- I am completely on my own with this. I'm one of those newbs who is just starting off. I don't have an established BOB from a previous position, and I get the impression that I am just being tossed into the deep end of the pool to see if I sink or swim. If I swim, then I get to swim some more. If I sink then "sales just ain't fer you".

I keep hearing about how folks have done extraordinary things by cold calling and some of those same anecdotal reports can be found right here in this thread. OK, then....HOW is it done? Wheres a good resource. I have the drive. I have the goals. How about just once someone reveals to me the proper telephone comportment that make my cold calling productive. Anyone? All I have to say is that if I have to work all of this stuff out by myself, what the heck do I have a manager for? Sheesh! :mad:
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Glad, I know having a bad manager is a bit of a handicap, but don't give up. Here's a four-step plan for you. You've already taken the biggest step, you've said you want to cold call and you want to learn. So:

1. Understand right up front that 90% of your learning on this will be when you get your butt kicked in the street. There's simply no substitute for experience, not even watching someone else do it. Really. Also understand that a great deal of your competition are too afraid to do this, and some prospects will actually appreciate your guts. While they're busy updating their Linked In page, you're in the streets, face to face with prospects.

2. Understand that you can only plan so much for this. Have a fact-finder handy for those who will speak to you on the spot, as well as quoting info and applications. But don't over-plan. That's avoidance activity.

3. Visit and join Top Gun Producers. Yes, the guy who runs it is a complete dictator who will make you jump through a few hoops, but there is simply no better place for no-BS, straight-scoop information on this. For no charge. Read the "Prospecting" thread from front to back. It will help you on everything from how to dress to what to say to what to bring with you. But don't read it twice. That's avoidance activity.

4. See number 2. Get out and do it. Bring your thick skin with you and get some new business. And keep us informed on your progress, please!

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I'm on it! Thanks, Ryan; that helps a lot.

BTW: Is there any prep work I need to do. Years ago, when I worked for a bank, the "leads" we used were all bank cutomers whose C-D-s were coming due. I keep hearing how some folks just pick-up a phonebook and start calling. I thought about that but worried about handicaps like NCL-s. OTOH if I selected a phonebook from a suburb that was a bit more upscale, maybe my success rate might improve as the products I have are also a "bit" upscale. Thoughts?

Best Wishes,
I'd better back up a bit.

When I say "in the streets, face to face with prospects", I mean that literally, so I'm talking about cold walking. I know there are folks on this board who cold-call on the phone successfully, and they can help you better in that area.

It depends on the individual. Between the No-Call List, not-homes, caller ID screeners, hang-ups and the rest, I'd rather be getting fresh air, getting exercise and talking to more people.

Whether you choose cold call on the phone or to cold-walk businesses, the one thing I'd definitely suggest is pick a product and run with it, then expand services after you've established a relationship. Saying you're a generalist is too vague. So a business owner might be interested in life insurance for himself, for a buy-sell agreement, or for key man life or non-qualified deferred compensation. Get the talk down cold, know ahead of time what the objections and questions might be so you're prepared.

Agreed..... I found that canvasing a neighborhood gave me a chance to connect with more people. I still get people who don't answer the door, get pretty antagonistic and shine me on. Thats just Life-being-Life. The nice thing is that walking to the next door is a good way to shake-off a bad experience and prep for the next person. Of course, there are the physical issues (ie. weather, dogs) that one doesn't have with the phone, and the phone lets me cover a larger area.

BTW: I have been sending out rough quotes to people on my X-date list and following-up with a warm call. I'm still working to de-bug my presentation, but at least I don't get as many people slamming-up in my ear, so I guess thats progress, right?

Best Wishes,

BTW: I have been sending out rough quotes to people on my X-date list and following-up with a warm call. I'm still working to de-bug my presentation, but at least I don't get as many people slamming-up in my ear, so I guess thats progress, right?

Best Wishes,


Yep. Any time you have some kind of existing relationship when you call, even if it's just about something you've mailed them, that's better than a cold call, you bet.

I would like to turn that question upside down and ask !

Why should you cold call. On that fence - cold calling seems much more a positive and rewarding way of getting clients.

The reasons for cold calling is obvious:

1) It produces fasts results
2) It gives you a quick run through your prospecting list (Y or N)
3) Its cheap
4) It sharpens you phone selling skills and verbal attitude towards customers
5) When seeing results, it can give you a physical boost.

Cold calling/Telemarketing together with adwords is two of the fastets ways to get results in sales and doing the prospecting proces.

All the best
Lars Schak
Post script:

Just got dumped by my DM. His report is that I am free to apply to any other D-M-s office if I care to. Apparently its easier to dump me than provide adequate training. I wonder if there is any connection between this morning's event and my calling the State office.

Ya Think? :yes:
That's okay Glad, just a bump in the road. Now you'll know what to look for, and look OUT for, with your next position. If you like this industry, and there are plenty of reasons to like it, interview a few other companies and drill them on the kind, quantity and quality of training they offer.

Good people are hard to find, so make them EARN you.

Good luck, keep us posted.
