Why is $50mp and $10,000 the average in FE?

I repeat my earlier question: how do you know the max premium your prospect can pay without encouraging a lapse? This would be a great learning lesson for me.
So what is the most you can do on monthly basis without creating any problems? What ever they give for an answer I would ask if they could stretch it a bit if they really had to and try and get a range like something between this and that each month would that work? Then you will most likely get a wishy washy answer that you can't take to the bank like I guess , might, maybe , possibly afford $XX per month. So three step process would then $xx dollars each month work for you? Yes if for some reason it wasn't comfortable that amount each month would you tell me? The in other words, $xx per month sounds like it would be perfectly acceptable?

Wishy Washy to perfectly acceptable will sometimes get an honest down sale or help it stick this was my technique in the cemetery business different game now I realize.
Yeah yeah we are all special ;).

Personally, I like knowing what an agent's average premium is. It is my job to help them be as profitable as possible in order for longevity. If I have an agent that writes an average of $30/app its pretty clear that he/she won't make it long term if they are buying leads. Also, in my experience if an agent's average is anything less than $50, they have a process issue that can be fixed to help them capture more premium per sale without sacrificing quality of business.

I think that $65-$75 is a very reasonable expectation for a solid agent.

I’ve seen agents do dumb stuff to make their manager’s “tracking” look better though. I’ve always been about writing up what makes sense to write on each case. Some will be huge. Some will be small. Most in the middle.

But if an agent wants to impress his micro-manager he can just skip small cases. I wrote a $250 monthly AP last week. And it really was an FE case. Now if I would have had you as my manager maybe I would have skipped writing the other case I wrote that was $30. Because it brought my average way down.

I’ve seen agents do dumb stuff like that. Whatever impresses their manager they just do what it takes to impress him. Instead of learning to just write apps.
I’ve seen agents do dumb stuff to make their manager’s “tracking” look better though. I’ve always been about writing up what makes sense to write on each case. Some will be huge. Some will be small. Most in the middle.

But if an agent wants to impress his micro-manager he can just skip small cases. I wrote a $250 monthly AP last week. And it really was an FE case. Now if I would have had you as my manager maybe I would have skipped writing the other case I wrote that was $30. Because it brought my average way down.

I’ve seen agents do dumb stuff like that. Whatever impresses their manager they just do what it takes to impress him. Instead of learning to just write apps.
There is no manager I want to impress enough to pass on the chance to earn $360 first year commissions!:no::)