Why You Must See The People

Another example:

I never imagined replacing a Settlers policy, but I did, for both the husband and wife.

They end up referring me a friend, which I write up that night.

Now I have the wife's son scheduled to see me Monday night.

I'm trying to work on another friend of hers who has Globe.

I don't post this to be boastful, but I don't know if this stuff gets easier/more frequent as time goes by...?

More or less I post this to let y'all know this stuff DOES happen when you ask and do a good job...
Reardon said:
Another example:

I never imagined replacing a Settlers policy, but I did, for both the husband and wife.

They end up referring me a friend, which I write up that night.

Now I have the wife's son scheduled to see me Monday night.

I'm trying to work on another friend of hers who has Globe.

I don't post this to be boastful, but I don't know if this stuff gets easier/more frequent as time goes by...?

More or less I post this to let y'all know this stuff DOES happen when you ask and do a good job...

Where is the like button? I agree this does happen only if you ask this one lady gave me 18 referrals!

Some like to give referrals some don't but it's up to you to ask. A great book is "Don't keep me a secret" by Bill Cates I use that title in everything I send my chalets.