Wow Ben Bowman Was Going to Leave 360 and Go to Efes?


Also to clarify...It was not Brad (360) trying to take my agents. He is definitely not the type of guy to do that.


BTW, I have no idea who this person(s) is so just a statement
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The ability is there but my agents are good enough at scrubbing their own and sending them in to the carriers. I don't see a need in taking that extra step.

I totally agree with you...agents should scrub their own apps...I learned that the hard way. I was just wondering if you were referring to some additional service that their new business dept is currently offering?

EFES used to offer that as a service to agents, but my understanding is, that they discontinued it a few weeks ago due to HIPAA compliance issues. I think that was a wise move on their part.
In my opinion, and what I do for my Agents, I help them with their apps if there are questions on their apps. My goal is that you quickly get to where you are scrubbing your own apps. In my opinion, you have to get to the point to where you should know how to do every aspect of this business without depending on someone to do it for ya.