WSJ Article Medicare Advantage

Harsh article from WSJ today concerning overpayment by Medicare into Medicare Advantage Plans to the tune of $50 billion, with emphasis on shanigans from UHC. Specifically, MA plans would find illnesses, very questional diagnosis, and get paid a boatload extra.
Not sure if there is a firewall or not...
What next for free? Maybe golf balls to go along with the free country club memberships? Cant wait to sign up in 3 years!

This all is gonna have a huge tax associated to taxpayers. 🔥💀
Articles paywalled everywhere . Can read first few lines . “ So and so was offered $50 for nurse to come over” . I gotten 300 calls from clients on that one . My response “ Peggy they’re looking for stuff wrong with you and the ins company makes more money” Like I’ve been saying the golden age of medicare is over . Moneys finishing to get much much tighter which means huge agent commissions and especially overrides in the crosshairs .Trump don’t like people getting free shit
Everyone that mocks all the extra benefits don't understand the big picture. How do you stay healthy? You stay ACTIVE. It prevents depression, which is a major contributing factor to illness, and also keeps your body active and healthy. You focus on PREVENTING big things from happening. This keeps costs down for beneficiaries, and overall. Keep mocking away. Health outcomes are much better on Medicare Advantage for a reason....they actually focus on prevention and grade healthcare providers on how HEALTHY they keep their patients.
Everyone that mocks all the extra benefits don't understand the big picture. How do you stay healthy? You stay ACTIVE. It prevents depression, which is a major contributing factor to illness, and also keeps your body active and healthy. You focus on PREVENTING big things from happening. This keeps costs down for beneficiaries, and overall. Keep mocking away. Health outcomes are much better on Medicare Advantage for a reason....they actually focus on prevention and grade healthcare providers on how HEALTHY they keep their patients.
Right but i think the articles about how carriers have lied on diagnosis’s to make 10’s of billions $’s more . I read carriers make 100% more on dual plans than regular mapd . So no carrier wants their dual business crushed in 2025 by crashing benefits
This all is gonna have a huge tax associated to taxpayers. 🔥💀

Already does. $350 Billion plus per year to subsidize free MAPD to line the pockets of insurance carriers.

People complain about how much individual fraud goes on in traditional Medicare.

But perhaps TM would have better resources to fight fraud if they had an extra $350,000,000,000 per year in their budget....