Yellow Page Ad

Can some of the P&C guys give me some feedback on how effective a yellow page ad is?

I'm looking at buying a full page ad in a market with around 100,000 people & am curious if anyone else has had good success with this.


If you are in an area with 100,000 people in a phone book it is a waste of time. My rural phone book has 15,000 names in it. It still gets used.
I have had an ad in the yellow pages for years. Of the one or two calls per year it generates, they are either calling from a payphone or don't speak English. In either case, they are normally completely uninsurable.
There are still pay phones in Cali?
They are just inside the border with Mexico. It's so illegals can call their friends for a pickup.


Good to know.
there used to be an old fashion aluminum/glass booth with the folding door in a small town here in NEw Hampshire. It is being put in a local museum.
I remember going through Augusta and there was this payphone with a clamshell enclosure around it at car window height...The salesmen would make cold call after coldcall on those phones until they got an appointment and then sped off to the appointment.
All of the yellow page salesmen and ladies that I used to know are now in the insurance biz.I Keep a copy on the old 8 track tape player. t hall

This is free and you should do this.

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nadylime- I had a yellow book accidently add me in there printed book for a quarter. I received one phone call, and made the company waive the $250 fee per quarter, and told them to screw themselves.

Don't do it, use google, yahoo and bing maps. I get at least 30 leads per month and growing.

I am a P and C agent too.
They are still necessary but about half as effective as just five years ago. High Risk auto is probably the best market left for yellow page ads. I would invest heavily in web advertising and other avenues. In five more years yellow pages will be near obsolete. Arguably they already are for many agents.

Last time I saw yellow pages is when I was reading Xracs book while eating Cheetos.