Your Primary way for leads?

My two cents coming from a Direct Marketing agency. As always, referrals will probably be most peoples number one source of business. But that for some can be exhuasting or limiting. For us we see Direct Mail get the best results for Insurance agents followed closely behind the age old "cold calling" errr....telemarketing. Pay per click for an individual age I am quite sure would be way to expensive as Insurance terms right now are being bid through the roof. Good luck and good selling!
Referrals (duh)

But for New lead generation I do 100% cold calling (I pay someone to do it for me lol) 20 appointments a week cost me about $100....
Because of leads I decided to go back captive with Pyramid Life and the Senior Market. I've had 3 sales so far this week and two were appts I set off of "non-responders" to direct mail and one off of a direct mail lead. (One was a good size annuity...)
1. Referrals- the greatest leads ever!
2. DM
3. BNI
4. Cold calling small businesses
5. Cheap classifieds locally
6. internet leads

in order of best results