Your Primary way for leads?

Have any of you had much luck with outside telemarketing companies? If you have your own personal telemarketer, how did you find a QUALIFIED one and what do you offer the?

Finding a good Telemarketer is a crap shoot... Took me about 5 people to finally find a good one...

Make sure they have experience! In the Medicare market 1-2 appointments per hour are average using a regular phone that she has to dial on, none of that fancy shmancy stuff...
1. Asking people face to face, "Who is handling your insurance?" Great closing ratio.
2. Internet leads
3. Referrals- am going to ramp this up.

But number one has been my primary source for 14 years.

I am going to do the ads in the penny papers.

Interesting question on the ehealth financials thread. "How many of you are spending 36% of Gross revenue on advertising?"

I spend about 1/25 on advertising. Probably dumb.
Direct Mail (95%) referrals, ad inserts in local small papers and also inserts in papers similiar to thrifty nickel.
Cold calling is the punishment you get for not asking for, receiving and correctly working referrals.
Finding a good Telemarketer is a crap shoot... Took me about 5 people to finally find a good one...

It is a challenge. I've had good success going through a local temp agency. I pay about double per hour compared with a direct hire, but they advertise the job, go through all the applicants, interviews, background checks, handle the payroll and insurance... If someone isn't working out I can drop them immediately and have no paperwork or hassles. If someone is great, I can keep going through the agency, or buy out the contract and hire the person.
Referrals (duh)

But for New lead generation I do 100% cold calling (I pay someone to do it for me lol) 20 appointments a week cost me about $100....

" But for New lead generation I do 100% cold calling (I pay someone to do it for me lol) 20 appointments a week cost me about $100...."

$5 - and quality I would imagine.

What type of script do you use if I may ask?

" But for New lead generation I do 100% cold calling (I pay someone to do it for me lol) 20 appointments a week cost me about $100...."

$5 - and quality I would imagine.

What type of script do you use if I may ask?


I use a script that I typed up on my computer?

Is that what your asking lol...

Its a script geared to lower income medicare recipients...

its more like 15 appointments for $100 now...

I pay a girl $10 an hour to cold call and she sets 2 appointments for me every 3 hours...

Its by far the cheapest leads I have ever bought and by far the highest quality...

If you would like some I can bump her hours up and sell you some preset appointments, lol