1 call close or not?

In my sales presentation I present by questioning I feel that most salespeople talk too damn much!! God gave you 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. If you listen,I mean really listen they will tell YOU how to sell them. That way you can a lot of times circumvent those objections before they are hurled at you.
Yes, everthing helps. I do the things you mentioned, some in different ways. You just let me know that I am doing things right, or we are doing things wrong...just kiddin. It eats me up when I miss a close.
If they want to think about it, arrange for a follow up call while you are there. If you call when you say you are going to, then they will be more likely to buy from you since you did what you said you were going to do.

I have increased my closing with my 2nd call closes since I have started doing that.
I must be doing something wrong with my phone follow ups because it seems like they suddenly get a back bone and will say no,notta,nope whatever and then quickly find a reason to get off he telly.
Yeah follow up calls never work for me either. I think he meant follow up appoinment though. And those don't work either, for me anyway. This is a pretty informative thread.
My closing percentage when someone says "I'd like to think about this" is near zero. That's what I say when I get pitched on something I have no interest in.