140% with Fam 1st life ????????/


1000 Post Club
what is the sam you know what is up with this? LOL!!!
Seen some where (email blast i think) 140%
Best guess is it's a lure to get you in?
BTW; I think it was spelled out Family First Life
It's a good marketing ploy. I talk to lots of agents from there that seem to be happy and think they have the highest commissions in the industry.

That is not the case.

Depending on the Family First upline, you will usually start at 80-100%, with the ability to get to 140% and bonuses on top of that.

However, those "commission levels" are based on specific, high comp, simplified issue term products like Americo HMS 125, Mutual Term Life Express, AmAm Home Protector and John Hancocks Vitality.

The rest of your more competitive term products and especially their Final Expense products are anywhere from 10-30% less than their "level."

For example, someone at the 100% level would find their Americo Eagle at 90%, their RNA at 85%, Settlers (when it was around) was at 70%and so on.

They have a grid that explains all this, but I've yet to speak to a FFL agent who has ever seen this grid.

They have Production Guidelines to get to the higher levels. For example, to get to the 130 Level, your team must issue pay $250,000 2 months in a row. For 140, $350,000, 2 months in a row.

And once they find themselves at the 140 level, keep in mind that only applies to the high comp carriers. Some Final Expense products would be at 110-130%.
Family First bought out by Integrity marketing Yesterday. There the monster on the block buying everyone . There going to get National Fmo contracts with many insurance co's controlling all downlines .I think the highest an individual can get with Family First without recruiting is 100% . I will say they have some really good You tube video's with some sharp guys
It's very deceitful to tell an agent he is on a 140 contract schedule but then his commissions are not at 140%. That is just the NAME of their schedule?

Why don't they just name it schedule B? Or schedule #3?

They do that because they are trying to mislead agents ho don't understand the business.

I can guarantee you that if I or any other IMO puts you on a 140 schedule you can calculate your commission by multiplying your AP by 1.4 = X

THAT is an honest 140 schedule.
This is production showing one week, from one of their groups, this is the Phoenix office. They can have reps in their downline all over, but the main people are in AZ..FFL AZ.JPG
Newby how many individual guys with no downline are at 140% you think ? I'm talking core company's like Trans,Trinity,Oxford etc?
Newby how many individual guys with no downline are at 140% you think ? I'm talking core company's like Trans,Trinity,Oxford etc?

With Trinity? zero. They don't even go that high.

With the others? It's possible maybe but I doubt there are many if any at all. The 140's generally are going to need at least 1-million annual production. 145's and 150's need multi millions.

But I've seen people with a good song and dance get contracts that they don't come close to qualifying for.