140% with Fam 1st life ????????/

FFL Bonus Plan - It gets better, we even pay bonuses. Check out how agents and managers are making between $5,000 and $60,000 per month in a chargeback free bonus. We don't like to brag, but most refer to us as the robin hood of insurance IMO's.
He cleared up the 140% FFL contract. Many of those top contracts are right at street or some even below street. Lifeshield 105% at the 140% FFL contract is 15% below what many Imo's give to guys who hardly write any. Foresters 120% at the highest contract is below the 130% some Imo's give. No wonder Meinke is giving out big bounces which don't make up for the 135-140% some of these top agency's could be at. Meinke's making a fortune . I think he gives out bonus's and lower contracts as he'd rather make continuous 2-3% renewals on the huge blow of business than give higher contracts up front . He' got a marketing ploy going on.