2008 Lead Company Update

BTW, John, are you ever going to post that video of your B2B presentation you mentioned on the old board? I may have asked you about it at least two or more times, but received only one response about "technical difficulties." I think it would be of interest to all the health agents on this board whether or not they are IHIAA members.
I know what the prob is - when I use the USB that comes with my camcorder the transfer rate is too slow and the video quality is horrendous - I need an IEEEE 1394 to properly transfer video. As I'm working 18 hour days, I'll get right on that.....in about 10 months
If it's coming out of the camera too slow, then my guess is it won't matter how fast your pc can receive it, you're done. It's probably usb1.1 on the cam.

If the cam has a yellow composite video rca jack out (and a similar audio out jack), AND you have a computer with this type of input jack (like on a TV tuner card), you should be able to transfer decent quality, mono audio and composite video. Some cams had a special cable for this with an eighth-inch plug on the cam side, broken out to the 2 rca's.
Just a thought. :idea:

Would also love to see the vids, quality notwithstanding; only interested in the "information stream" for experiential learning. :err:

Last vid project I did, cams had firewire, PC's had firewire. Sweet. So I know where you're coming from. My nephew has all that stuff now. He's doing the School of the Arts gig :rolls eyes: He's actually very talented and has produced some pretty awesome projects. :cool:
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There are a few you did not mention in your original post.


I have heard those names mentioned around the campfire and have not read, or found, much about them on your site.

One of my coworkers forwarded me an email from Ileads boasting how they were better then any others.

Any advice?
Go take a look sometime at the charity work and donations that are made by Hometownquotes and Insureme (and I am sure some others). Go read about all the awards that companies like that win and then tell me if you stll think they are a scam. Scams don't win awards retard. Scams don't perform charity work that is genuine. Scams are not profiled by major business magazines year after year. When was the last time you were? I thought so.

This guy knows alot about the finiancial books on these compaines.
I thought I had made all the mistakes I could when contracting with lead companies until I made the mistake of falling for their pitch. Poor leads, too much up front and a ninety day minimum.