2008 Lead Company Update

I thought I had made all the mistakes I could when contracting with lead companies until I made the mistake of falling for their pitch. Poor leads, too much up front and a ninety day minimum.

Hmmm... I'll guess Netquote.
because most people don't want insurance agents calling. If they wanted to talk to an agent they wouldn't be searching for quotes online, they'd be searching for agents online.
Those looking online are searching for information. Sometimes the information they need comes in the form of a knowledgeable agent.

Most of the folks I encounter with issues about health insurance do so because they did not understand what they bought and the carrier, or their "flash" agent, is no help.
My best clients were not searching for quotes. They sit there in quiet agony sucking up their "$800" premium thinking "it is what it is."

They are savvy and wouldn't be caught dead typing in their information on "the net." They know the deluge of calls will begin.

I've found over my five very short years in this biz that internet leads, as a whole, are the worst leads on average.

My target - and will always be my target - is local small business owners who are too busy to troll the net.
because most people don't want insurance agents calling. If they wanted to talk to an agent they wouldn't be searching for quotes online, they'd be searching for agents online.

Interesting point, but yet it seems that's exactly what they get - oftentimes an overwhelming amount of phone calls from agents.

My experience as an insurance buyer (health), I was overwhelmed w/ emails and some phone calls and ended up calling someone outside of the quoting site.

Seems to me (and I'm only guessing), those looking for quotes and/or info, may oftentimes end up w/ more questions than answers and want to speak with someone - OR, be frustrated by a full email inbox and phone calls.

I suppose then they just need convinced to use an agent!!

btw, I was a college intern for a semester at NW Mutual 10 years ago, but a commercial lines u/w for the last 9 years so not speaking from an agent's perspective.
That usually happens . . . AFTER they discover they have screwed up doing it themselves.

and I'm sure that happens quite often, w/ many people not realizing it until they have to file a claim.

Are there good stats/studies you leverage that shows the negative of purchasing online? In other words, how people were underinsured, denied a claim because they thought they had coverage or didn't think they needed it...etc?

the whole do-it-yourself Internet insurance thing is a pet peeve of mine. Who decided it was a good idea to commoditize insurance!! I saw it on the commercial side of things with professional and management liability products (D&O, EPLI, Fiduciary, E&O)
but, the problem with most agents the average consumer can find is that they are captive and have one product to sell. One of the things consumers think they are getting from an online quote is a multi-product comparison so they can find the lowest rate for the appropriate insurance.

I offer many products, but in doing so I sacrifice corporate brand identity. It is a good thing, except it makes it harder for the consumer to find me...so I use mailings, lead services, referrals, and appt setting services to get in front of new potential clients.

Lead services are fine as long as you or someone on your behalf is glued to your email. I have found that being the first to contact a lead that goes out to multiple salesmen, is usually the key to getting an appointment and a sale. I use currently Hometown and Insureme. I just started with Hometown, but have been with Insureme for several months and I am closing about half of the Leads.

I already told you my secret. I call quickly upon getting the lead.