- 14,808
Right now I'm looking into merging some technology for internet leads. There's IDA Assistant: I.D.A. - Home
It's a CRM that has plug-ins - automatically imports your leads in real time and generates auto-responders.
Here's who they're configured with so far: I.D.A. - Plug-Ins
We also have Al's auto-dialer - Professional Telemarketing Solutions: Business Data Lists
What I'm going to work on is seeing if the plug-ins can be designed to import into Al's dialer. As is stands now, leads can be imported from a spreadsheet.
Then it's no more manually dialing your internet leads. They all get imported into the dialers and now you've created your own LeadPod - but no $10 transfer fees.
Lean back in your chair and call all of your leads as often as you want with no manual dialing headaches - automatically leaves messages you designed and you'll make 4 times as many calls in the same amount of time.
Gonna call the 40 leads you're received so far this week today? Use dialer technology and knock those calls out in 20 minutes while leaving messages - if you choose the leave messages.
You can also check a box when you don't want that lead called again. So after a few days, check the box not to call.
It's a CRM that has plug-ins - automatically imports your leads in real time and generates auto-responders.
Here's who they're configured with so far: I.D.A. - Plug-Ins
We also have Al's auto-dialer - Professional Telemarketing Solutions: Business Data Lists
What I'm going to work on is seeing if the plug-ins can be designed to import into Al's dialer. As is stands now, leads can be imported from a spreadsheet.
Then it's no more manually dialing your internet leads. They all get imported into the dialers and now you've created your own LeadPod - but no $10 transfer fees.
Lean back in your chair and call all of your leads as often as you want with no manual dialing headaches - automatically leaves messages you designed and you'll make 4 times as many calls in the same amount of time.
Gonna call the 40 leads you're received so far this week today? Use dialer technology and knock those calls out in 20 minutes while leaving messages - if you choose the leave messages.
You can also check a box when you don't want that lead called again. So after a few days, check the box not to call.