2008 Lead Company Update

They are valid point. Most call centers will hammer them for only the 1st day - most never follow up past that except for emails. Also true that only a very small percentage of leads really want immediate coverage.

No one is calling these leads past 2 or 3 days so this is business to be had by just waiting.

I'd personally be interested to know - and stats would be impossible to get - what percentage of leads buy a plan within say, one month.

For me gas isn't an issue since I only market locally. My last appointment was 2 miles away. There are also those of us who view meeting with people as a positive - not a negative. I didn't get into the sales field to stare at a computer all day.

I see no problem with a mix - I sell online but also meet in-person. And we do get back to "if it's not broke don't fix it."

If your system is working then it's working. However, if your system isn't working then you need another method.
I'd personally be interested to know - and stats would be impossible to get - what percentage of leads buy a plan within say, one month.

For me gas isn't an issue since I only market locally. My last appointment was 2 miles away. There are also those of us who view meeting with people as a positive - not a negative. I didn't get into the sales field to stare at a computer all day.

See My point exactly, The stats are easy if you manage your leads and yes the Stats are available. I know the number exactly, and its like clock work every month, And you should too of your Telemarketing efforts.

Its got nothing to do with Gas? Its called Effective Time Management and a Modern Buisness Module for the Online Health Consumer, I dont stare at a computer screen all day, thats the beauty.

Break it down, Phone Calls and Dialing machines, and all this outdated interupption marketing techniques, and costly systems, I dont care if the client lives a block from me, its called TIME spent, I can market and speak and write twice the amount of polices and work half the time. Referalls? Twice as many!!!

The problem is this, not going to go back and forth with systems or defending Successful Marketing Techniques, The most successful indviduals are the ones using effective and quality systems, Depends what your level of success is, I am retired from the Army with full pension(42yrs old) and Health Benefits, I have a successful online buisness, My kids are grown, my wife is an accountant, I Live the American Dream
The most successful individuals are the ones making what they want to make and are happy doing it. That would be me. That would also obviously be you also.

If one system works for you then it works. If a different system works for someone else then what's the biggie. I personally like almost my entire block of business to be local biz owners.

That doesn't mean I'm saying other systems are bad, good, better, worse, etc...I'm saying what I enjoy.

State Farm, Nationwide, Allstate owners....they are not all suckers. They should not all close down their businesses and sell leads online. There agency owners going into work, working 40 hours a week and quite happy.
Regardless of your lead generation method, contacting older leads works. I hit my list 6 months later and a lot of those "not so interested" prospects are now interested.
State Farm, Nationwide, Allstate owners....they are not all suckers. They should not all close down their businesses and sell leads online. There agency owners going into work, working 40 hours a week and quite happy.[/quote]

Once again, your facts are wrong, and you speak with what you think. Allstate has increased their sales by 34% in the last quarter due to Internet Ads and Prime Time Tv ads directing individuals to get a quote online!. They have realized the changing market.

State Farm, realized the same increase after they watched and studied Allstates Growth,, Now the Third player Nationwide, is doing the same thing, saw their new add last night, Glad you brought these points up, Just spoke to a Individual that left his family Car business with his brother, Huge Dealership, to open a Franchise AllState office. Spoke to him two days ago, and asked him what happened to your office, I see that its closed.

He explained that he could not make a decent living due to the lack of Walk in Traffic and Phone Calls they used to receive. Working old books of business, is marginal.

He said the only way to be successful with these companies is have a huge Online presence and work Internet Auto Leads, Auto Leads right now are $28.00PPC
Good points dm. And very true about local buyers. After 3-5 days...or for that matter, 7-10 days...many prospects have seen the same rates a dozen times. But if you are the only local broker still maintaining contact, your odds of the sale are the greatest. And don't forget to ask for that BOR letter.
Regardless of your lead generation method, contacting older leads works. I hit my list 6 months later and a lot of those "not so interested" prospects are now interested.

But do you have a system in place to hit hundreds of leads automatically, at pre-determined times? or do you just randomly pick up the phone and call old leads, that you haven not contacted or have made a mental impression to work with you. I dont need an answer, I already know.

Picking up a stack of old Leads, that you have not corresponded with, or touched periodically, thru the buying process,(systematically) your just playing hit and miss.

How could anyone track effectively, hundreds of Leads, or even thousands of leads to get the maximum effectiveness.

The bottom line: The Agent that has the Largest Data Base of prospects) and has a proper online marketing system, will survive. The ones that dont, will still be calling, bitching, complaining, demanding, jumping from one system to the next, quitting, and failing.

Why on Earth, with 1000's of Consumer's online daily researching Health Insurance, would I pick up the phone, and call someone that has not requested information or researching their Health Insurance options and interrupt their day? and hope they respond to my pitch?? or spend hours on a forum trying to figure out what Script Works?

Oh I know you can sell this way, but its far from being effective and actually very depressing for most.