Fully agree and your system should be explored by new agents - especially by agents who simply prefer not to prospect.
However, and I honestly forgot your system but I believe it's $10 live transfers. You supply the leads and the service calls and transfers people to you.
Newbies would probably convert 10% of their transfers and if it's $10 per transfer and they want 4 deals a week that's $400 a week of marketing money - plus lead costs - most new agents simply don't have.
Regarding senior agents - there are many on this board who have been in the biz a hell of a lot longer than me who prospect and do not buy leads. We're not all crazy, we're not all wrong.
I frankly am not interest in any system where my clients are not business owners.
First, Once again, Half Cocked, and wrong information. No system transfers anybody to me?, or do I pay for a transfer, if your talking about Leadpod, then your way off base, (I just got off the Phone with BlueMarlin from this Forum and explained to him, So its no gimmick or laziness. Its Effective Marketing and Managing your Leads to be Successful. (Long Term)
How can you have a system that you dont Prospect? I never said I didnt prospect. You would be dead in the water if you didnt prospect, so that was a way off base comment. (but expected!!) Its how you Prospect and the system you use, I touch all my clients one way or the other no less than 9 times, not manually or when I get a chance to follow back up. Its a combination of Phone Calls, Voice Mails that work, and systematic Emails.
You dont think Buisness Owners search online for Health Insurance? Send me what your smoking, Because my stuff is weak!!