2025 AEP for PDP - Process

Wait people actually believing helping someone self-enroll a pdp is fraud? I am confused...

Some people believe if you get paid for selling insurance its a fraud

some people will tell you

You did not build this send them to Medicare website and give them the phone number to call or send them to ship where they will not be taken advantage of

Have you not read your disclaimer?
"As agents, our state license gives us authorization under state law."
Umm OK, if you say so it must be true. I hope your E&O is paid up. Please provide anything that remotely refers to this.
I was always under the impression that was for a person
that's in a POA situation, but oh well, you learn something new every day. I am glad I got you and others to keep me straight!
Same. It's what I've thought.

How bout this one. With an ISNP example: A facility has carrier pull out of the facility leaving dozens of clients in need of going back to OM/PDP effective 08/01.

This one is even more tricky bc not only is there not a PTC for an individual agent and the initial agent is long gone, let alone a SOA or an easy way to get medication lists due to laws/regs, yet, the clients all have a POA or guardian and they have no clue what the meds are...and the facility can only give med lists to POA/guardian...

No way am I bothering with all that....yah told them, medidotgov. Have fun. Who is it in here who said theyll take the biz regardless? lol

All this back n forth only gets worse bc theres never enough clarity on what we can and cannot do. And the interpretations are entertaining to read. And I have no clue either now. Thanks.