2025 AEP for PDP - Process

Several years ago a very sick client called 800 MEDICARE to enroll in a PDP we discussed. They enrolled him in an MAPD and cancelled his Medigap.

I didn't find out what happened until a few months later when he called to ask why one of his docs no longer accepted his plan.

When you encourage clients to do something on their own things can go sideways . . . including when they do it via My Medicare.

FWIW, I learned about enrolling direct via Medicare on this forum from agents who do this when they are unable to enroll their client through the carrier.

The two questions on the Medicare form are either/or. You can't check off both of them.
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The two questions on the Medicare form are either/or. You can't check off both of them.
Agree - and I've checked that "I'm helping" box many times. I'll pay really close attention next time, though, just to be sure I'm not missing something like this other agent is saying.

I don't think it'll really matter -- any time I've done it I've been on the phone with them or in the office. I can just say, do you give me permission to just fill this out with you while we're on the phone... it's a recorded call...
I always ask permission to help them . . . usually via email. A few will tell me no, I will handle if via MyMedicare.
I wanted to try and clarify if it may help...

I did a PDP this morning for a new to Medicare via Med.gov

Last part of the enrollment process gives two options either or.

Who is the person completing this application?

I am the person joining the plan (or I am helping the person join the plan)


I am the person legally authorized under state law to act on the behalf of the person joining the plan
Dang, some of you peeps just can't get out of your own way. And that's fine but just do you - don't bother trying to dictate how I or anyone else has to do inconsequential things.

I would challenge anyone who questions my 'Gray Area' methods when it comes to doing what is right for the person I'm helping.
Rx plans are a cost of doing business. Great when we are paid. We’re never paid enough to justify the effort in any case. You do these to build a book of higher margin products and to protect that book. Whether supplement or ancillary or fishing for a referral or something else.