2025 AEP for PDP - Process

This is what I like about working OM + Medigap. Almost no constraints. None of the stupid "you can't do this" marketing rules. I am free to do or say what needs to be said to help folks. No CMS or AHIP interference.

I chart my own course and decide how far I want to go or back off and pull out.
Just did UHC fast track test. What a nightmare. God bless mapd agents
lol . That was super easy and fast . Some took 90
I thought it was pretty easy. What about it was a nightmare for you?

Humana is the easiest. No quizzes or test. Just click next until you’re done.
i was going to respond also uhc was one of the easiest . As chazm said Humana was by far the easiest . Some like devoted took 90 mins as the slides are purposely timed so you must click the areas or wait a certain amount of time to move pages
Just did UHC fast track test. What a nightmare. God bless mapd agents
Why was it a nightmare?

I did almost all of them in a day Ahip UHC, Humana, Aetna, Several BC, and some others in the same day

So it all seems like a blur, but nothing sticks out as out of the ordinary
lol . That was super easy and fast . Some took 90

i was going to respond also uhc was one of the easiest . As chazm said Humana was by far the easiest . Some like devoted took 90 mins as the slides are purposely timed so you must click the areas or wait a certain amount of time to move pages

Was it devoted that the timer would not move if I was on a dif page on my computer

yes that was the hardest of all of them

Questions on all were easy though
When you do MAPD every day, I'm sure the tests are easy.

I've never sold an MAPD plan, but UHC requires that I take the test yearly to keep my 750 Med supp renewals coming in, even though 90% of the test was MAPD related.

Given that, yes the test is difficult for me, as I only do this 1 test a year. The alphabet soup involved with the test is ridiculous. Thank god for google and control F. I just hope I don't have Biden's acuity level in the coming years.

I do ACA every day, and I'm one of the few on here that can answer almost any ACA question. ACA is easy for me, but seems difficult for many of you.

To each their own on which products you choose to sell.

When you do MAPD every day, I'm sure the tests are easy.

I've never sold an MAPD plan, but UHC requires that I take the test yearly to keep my 750 Med supp renewals coming in, even though 90% of the test was MAPD related.

Given that, yes the test is difficult for me, as I only do this 1 test a year. The alphabet soup involved with the test is ridiculous. Thank god for google and control F. I just hope I don't have Biden's acuity level in the coming years.

I do ACA every day, and I'm one of the few on here that can answer almost any ACA question. ACA is easy for me, but seems difficult for many of you.

To each their own on which products you choose to sell.


Ha I forgot they require med supp only agents to do these tests

I Agree, when you sell MA you have many carriers you are doing the same questions over and over again to nauseum

But yes it would be hard if it were one per year and your not even dealing with it in daily activity

And yes the simple things in ACA I sometimes have to ask because I don't deal with it every day