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yeah I tell them it's a "forever kind of bill" and it really only makes sense if they can comfortably afford it and then we have a conversation about price before I show numbers and close. I never got any objections with any of these deals, just showed 3 numbers and basically asked which one they wanna do.
Not sure about y'all's closing techniques but I typically focus on finding a genuine need and write a policy that makes sense for the client and not so much on closing. Its pretty rare that I show numbers and don't close, but I never have to handle objections like crazy and push to close. When I was much newer to the biz I was trained to do the whole FFL bs of "I'm an UW, not a salesman and we're just getting you qualified", lived in chargeback city after a few months of doing that, never again lol.
Not a life agent (yet), but never getting any objections isn't necessarily a good sign. It can mean people aren't comfortable voicing their concerns to you, which means you don't get the opportunity to address them. Those rise to the surface as soon as you leave.