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While you make excellent points I think the most important reason any business fails is lacking an effective marketing strategy.
I started my business with $4500 and a clear idea of how I was going to consistently bring in new business and generate revenue. I lack/lacked 5/7 of the things you are stating but I'm track to hit 6 figures my second year in business. I know I could be making more if I implemented the rest of your points and I plan to change these things so I make it in the long run but I don't find anything to be more crucial than a solid marketing plan.
just my 2 cents.
I started my business with $4500 and a clear idea of how I was going to consistently bring in new business and generate revenue. I lack/lacked 5/7 of the things you are stating but I'm track to hit 6 figures my second year in business. I know I could be making more if I implemented the rest of your points and I plan to change these things so I make it in the long run but I don't find anything to be more crucial than a solid marketing plan.
just my 2 cents.