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You've got 'em in the wrong order. Without number 3, 1 and 2 become moot.
Paul's Right (again).
I would add a few VERY IMPORTANT items.
1. Belief in Product.
If you don't love selling (your product)...then get out. Some ppl can't sell insurance because they don't believe in it, have a stigma about it, it doesn't turn them on, etc. BUT....that same person can make a killing Selling Cars, Boats, Furniture, Intangible products, etc. You must Believe in the Product!
2. Bad Influences.
This is probably the BIGGEST KILLER of all businesses. "Bad advice and Bad Influences." This can come from Advisors, Friends, Acquaintances, etc. You get around Bad Influences...you are doomed. A guy by the name of Sean Stevenson....puts it this way. Friends, Advocates, Mentors. You need all of these...in every area of your life. No man is an island. Get rid of Bad ppl PRONTO. Cherish Good ppl in your life. Waste no time with Bad PPL...spend that time with good ppl.
...of course there are MANY PITFALLS in managing your life.
Life today is MUCH MORE complicated than its ever been for any previous generation.
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