"99.5% WILL FAIL.." - SAM

I have a feeling most of you guys are much younger than me. I am 62, with 9 stints. My DR calls it the full metal jacket! The heavy hitters in this business are younger, in better shape and can work much longer than I can. They also can adapt to change much better than me. I don't even know how to sign on to the internet on my phone. I just recently learned how to scan apps to SNL. I have no idea how to use a route planner. When I am doing a replacement, I usually have to call my girlfriend to get the phone number to the company I am replacing.

Most of the time in the field I fly by the seat of my pants. I do always use the three questions that JD spoke of a few years ago but after that I am likely to go off into all kinds of directions and tangents. No real organization or polish like the pros.

Hope you got the large stints for better flow.

And as to "organization or polish", those things are important, but I highly respect good ol' grit and hard work. Just make sure your girlfriend is on speed dial it saves time.

You the man!
I've met NFL on 2 or 3 carrier trips now. He's the type of person that makes you feel like you have known him for years. The type that can spark up a conversation with anyone and get most everyone to like him. That's an important and less talked about trait to a good salesman. It's a component to the sales game that if one possesses he/she can overcome other inefficiencies. Many times people buy from those they like & trust.

He can also drink you under the table so be careful trying to hang with him in that realm. I won't even get into his Yo-Yo skillz ;)
That is no doubt true - if only he had shared more and attacked less when he had the chance. JD, to be fair, did share a lot of valuable info here. However, he too tended to be on the attack more and more. And you have to admit, that the forum has been refreshed, becoming both active and interesting again for the first time in who knows how long. It is obvious that the presence of the FEX attack dogs did more to hurt participation here than it did to help the value of the content.

Frankly, if either TT or JD or both would come back and comport themselves in a way that supports the current vibe here at the forum, I would not be alone in welcoming either or both of them. But I truly would not like to see the return of the cantankerous and arrogant version of either one of them here. They may know their stuff - but so do many others who are willing to share in a civil and well-mannered way.

Healthy disagreements are very helpful. Personally attacking someone and name calling only drives people away. The knowledge that JD has could really benefit many of us, but not at the cost of the holier than thou mindset he has. Hopefully as he lurks and sees what we write, he can have a wake up call and realize he isn't perfect (none of us are).

Regarding TT, he is probably better off helping his family than he is other insurance agents. His situation is embarrassing. Updated report said the welfare fraud is for 38k over the course of 4 years, so embarrassing...
Healthy disagreements are very helpful. Personally attacking someone and name calling only drives people away. The knowledge that JD has could really benefit many of us, but not at the cost of the holier than thou mindset he has. Hopefully as he lurks and sees what we write, he can have a wake up call and realize he isn't perfect (none of us are).

Regarding TT, he is probably better off helping his family than he is other insurance agents. His situation is embarrassing. Updated report said the welfare fraud is for 38k over the course of 4 years, so embarrassing...
Don't think he's lurking. :nah:
jdeasy was last seen: Sunday at 9:10 AM
JD will eventually be back. JD is an old school kinda guy and tells it like he sees it. And sometimes that offends people. But as most have alluded to, even the ones that don't care for him, he does possess a wealth of knowledge.

No, saying it how he sees it doesn't offend people. The negativity and name calling is what people don't like.

Look how many more people have become engaged in conversation after he left and how much more frequent people are posting about relevant topics. It's not a coincidence this started after JD hid. It's because people don't have to worry about being scolded if their views are not in line with his.
No, saying it how he sees it doesn't offend people. The negativity and name calling is what people don't like.

Look how many more people have become engaged in conversation after he left and how much more frequent people are posting about relevant topics. It's not a coincidence this started after JD hid. It's because people don't have to worry about being scolded if their views are not in line with his.

I'd love to see JD return.
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