"99.5% WILL FAIL.." - SAM

What I hate with a passion is door knocking or cold calling. To me that is going into a neighborhood and knocking on doors, when you have no idea who lives there.

I do not leave my home unless I have 5 to ten pre-set scheduled appointments. I rarely leave the home without planning on staying in a hotel for a night. When I get stood up, I find a card in the area and knock on the door. 40% of my DM leads will never answer the phone so I usually have plenty to choose from. Those are the only ones I will ever door knock. Its just a matter of catching them at home. When I do I make it perfectly clear, I am there as a courtesy call only. I am doing them a favor. "Mr. Jones, Normally I never stop by without an appointment, but I just happened to be in the area."

Those are not Cold Calls, they are Gold Calls! The problem is you can waste too much time driving around trying to catch them at home. Pre-set scheduled appointments are always best
What I hate with a passion is door knocking or cold calling. To me that is going into a neighborhood and knocking on doors, when you have no idea who lives there.

I do not leave my home unless I have 5 to ten pre-set scheduled appointments. I rarely leave the home without planning on staying in a hotel for a night. When I get stood up, I find a card in the area and knock on the door. 40% of my DM leads will never answer the phone so I usually have plenty to choose from. Those are the only ones I will ever door knock. Its just a matter of catching them at home. When I do I make it perfectly clear, I am there as a courtesy call only. I am doing them a favor. "Mr. Jones, Normally I never stop by without an appointment, but I just happened to be in the area."

Those are not Cold Calls, they are Gold Calls! The problem is you can waste too much time driving around trying to catch them at home. Pre-set scheduled appointments are always best
Yeah man, all that circling back can wear you down. My mentor's motto was always, "They gotta come home sometime!".:swoon:

But what if they're in Florida for the winter?:err:
I was been taught by some of the best insurance agents in the country while at Combined. Believe me, I can door knock with the best of them. I just do not like doing it. It is for the most part a big waste of time and gas, when compared to working scheduled appointments.

Take the last two days for instance. I had 8 appointments, 5 on Wed and 3 on Thursday. Got stood up twice on Wed and wrote the other 3. On Thursday got stood up once, but still wrote 3 with a husband and wife.

the monthly premiums were $118 67 41 102 114 110

After a 2 hour drive I was at home on the couch at 3:45 pm Thursday. Very rarely, if ever, would I have a day like that door knocking. I think those would also be pretty decent numbers for a telemarketer. The question in my mind is would I rather work 5 days or a day and a half?

1.5 day work week normal for you?
I have never met the guy; but based on most of his posts, I believe he has a wealth of knowledge that most of us in this forum could surely learn from.
I have never met the guy; but based on most of his posts, I believe he has a wealth of knowledge that most of us in this forum could surely learn from.

That is no doubt true - if only he had shared more and attacked less when he had the chance.

JD, to be fair, did share a lot of valuable info here.

Frankly, if either TT or JD or both would come back and comport themselves in a way that supports the current vibe here at the forum, I wouldn't be alone in welcoming either or both of them.
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The question in my mind is would I rather work 5 days or a day and a half?

I get what you are saying. Here is what I am thinking: 6K AP in 1.5 days is a rate of 4K/day. If I could work 5 days and write 6K AP or I could work 1.5 days and still write the same 6K AP, then I would certainly choose to work only a day and half.

However, if I could then work 5 days and write 20K AP ... well, now working 5 days sounds pretty good.

At the same time, I saw your post identifying time, rather than money, as being you motivation. And having worked more than my share of 6-day, 70 hour weeks, I could probably be persuaded to shorten my work week up a bit so long as I could earn a sufficiently high income during that reduced work week.
I have a feeling most of you guys are much younger than me. I am 62, with 9 stints. My DR calls it the full metal jacket! The heavy hitters in this business are younger, in better shape and can work much longer than I can. They also can adapt to change much better than me. I don't even know how to sign on to the internet on my phone. I just recently learned how to scan apps to SNL. I have no idea how to use a route planner. When I am doing a replacement, I usually have to call my girlfriend to get the phone number to the company I am replacing.

Most of the time in the field I fly by the seat of my pants. I do always use the three questions that JD spoke of a few years ago but after that I am likely to go off into all kinds of directions and tangents. No real organization or polish like the pros.