- 11,512
Entrepreneurial-minded people are driven to insurance opportunities built more like "real businesses." Meaning the agent carries the cost of business while maximizing commission, and has more of a "lone wolf" mentality, successfully operating his business without the need of micromanagement, team meetings, etc.
Employee-minded people are driven towards insurance opportunities reflected in Lincoln Heritage, and the MLMs of the insurance world. The level of interaction and micromanagement is higher in these organizations, and more value is given to things like culture, camaraderie, and an orientation towards a team/group.
Besides the roughly 10% of agents in MLM agency setups that are actually business-minded and independent, I have concluded it is pointless to try to pursue the swaths of agents that could stand to benefit tremendously from the likes of Mungia, Massi, FEX, and myself.
Further, I would argue that most of those agents if recruited would fail miserably in the independent model. A lot of us independent-minded agents, of which consist of most of the Insurance Forum, are actually the minority in the scheme of things, and it's important to remember that this is an echo chamber of that mentality.
Which reminds me: if you haven't read this book yet, you'll want to. Your post reminded me of it.
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