A couple of forum friends are live on youtube

Y'all are gonna hate me for saying this but I gotta get it off my chest.

Is it really a "business" if you can't replace yourself?

The only "business" aspect to having the "120% contracts & full cost leads" type insurance opportunity is the ridiculously high expenses.

You're almost always a slave to the ENTIRE sales process, meaning if you don't work you don't get paid.

That's not a business. That's a 1099 sales gig where you have to pay for ALL marketing. Meanwhile your IMO is making 30-50% overrides + $3-$5 per DM lead no matter how much YOU actually NET at the end of the year. That's right, they make their money whether you made ANYTHING after expenses! Now, that IMO side is definitely a business if I ever saw one!

Trust me I know. I have a 150 with Mutual of Omaha after having a license 3 years next month. (Hint: & I didn't get there by selling myself.) So now if I wanted to I could give agents 120 and have them spend thousands of dollars on leads, sit in cat piss trailers, & put thousands of miles on their car while I sit in my ivory tower & make 30% overrides for giving them the same freakin training they could find on YouTube for free ON DEMAND. Sorry, but y'all agents are crazy for allowing this to happen. If you look around and can't find the sucker, it's you.
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Thanks, I got them mixed up. These are all new faces to me other than Nick Frumkin of course. I might be profiling from my biases when I say this. But I find it hard to believe that an 18 year old girl can sell FE leads successfully at all. Let alone one million per year. Or even a four month run of $15,000 per week.

Someone needs to interview this girl. She has some kind of special sauce.

And I know, I know...there is a small handful of 18 year old girls that could possible sell FE. But I have not ever met one in real life.

But I don't have much faith in 18 year old boys selling FE either.
You didn't have faith in me Scott :'(?
You didn't have faith in me Scott :'(?

You have/had equal opportunity as anyone else. But at 19 you don't have much seasoning on you. If I was placing bets there is no 19 year old that would be the horse I would bet on. But if you can make it to 25 and have 6- years of industry knowledge and experience you will be way ahead of your peer group and still very young.

I would trade all my experience and everything I have accomplished to trade ages with you.