Whatever the problem with the platform, I find it unacceptable that after half a day or so and considering other similar services are working, that there's no solution or timeframe given.
Last edited: hoo...... gotta give everyone a chance to work things through, we are all dealing with the gov't incompetence here, and carrier ineptitude. You shouldn't have put all of your eggs in one basket. Nice to see you give someone 4 hours before the whining starts.
A timeframe of expected service would be appreciated from acaexpress. I made the mistake of putting my eggs in this basket as well. Their link is on my pages and not functional. Consistent email updates on progress, even if vague, would be better than avoiding the issue. I understand they are very busy but there are many of us waiting (not so patiently) for answers.

Thank you.
Sherpa is working, here is my referral link and just set up an account and get after it:

Signed up this morning. Any contracting paperwork to complete? It seemed almost too easy.


I'm wondering if Sherpa requires any contracting? Anything different about them I should know after jumping on board his morning?
ACAExpress CMS Connectivity Issues Have Been RESOLVED

The below was emailed to all ACAExpress users a bit ago...
CMS Connectivity Issues Have Been RESOLVED


Earlier we had communicated that we, along with many carriers and other WBE (Web Broker Entities) were experiencing connectivity issues to CMS. We are happy to report that these issues have been resolved and the site is now functioning and ready to submit your customers' applications

While CMS still has issues remaining to be resolved, most have been addressed.

Some notes on the live deployment:
The AFS (Agent Facing Site) is working to enroll customers though the click display for plan details will be limited to plan basics, i.e. plan, deductible, co-insurance, etc. However, you will have the ability to view full plan details via the plan brochure URL within the plan card. The remainder of info for display will be deployed Sunday, November the 16th.

Due to remaining connectivity issues on CMS end for CFS (Client Facing Site) enrollments, the final enrollment will not be able to be completed 100% by a customer on their own. Once CMS has corrected the connectivity issue we will deploy the ability for customers to totally self-enroll. Until that time customers will be able to enter their info, view and select a plan and at that point will view a message that they may either reach out to their agent so the agent may complete the enrollment or their agent will contact them. Of course all their info will be accessible via your Dashboard. In case you were not aware, the API (Application Programming Interface) between WBE's and CMS is different for agent enrollments versus clients doing it self-serve.

As an FYI; it is required by CMS & that all applications submitted, whether through a Web Broker Entity, or any other method, be done so with unique email addresses. We bring this up as we were made aware of some ACA enrollment sites which allow the same email address to be used for multiple application submissions. Our system checks to see if an email exists and will not allow more than one ACA submission using the same email address.

Again we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and patience.

If you have any other questions, please contact [email protected]
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