ACORN Gets Punked

Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Lets see how ACORN weasels their way out of this story!! What a joke these people are.

Playing the race card is always a proven technique.

"People are trying to tear us down for supporting a child sex ring because there are millions of people out there who cannot accept the fact that we have a President now who thinks like we do." Whoops.......I meant looks like we do.
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Playing the race card is always a proven technique.

"People are trying to tear us down for supporting a child sex ring because there are millions of people out there who cannot accept the fact that we have a President now who thinks like we do." Whoops.......I meant looks like we do.


On a more serious note, when you realize that our president supports this group and that they had a big hand in his election all I can say is that our nation is in trouble.
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!


On a more serious note, when you realize that our president supports this group and that they had a big hand in his election all I can say is that our nation is in trouble.

"Supports" would certainly be the word. Obama worked for Acorn and trained their "community organizers."

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane. Note that the date on this article is in 2008.

American Thinker Blog: Obama's Ties To ACORN More Substantial than first believed
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Well let's not put in the tin foil hat just yet. I'm not a fan at all of these "tied to" stories not only regarding Obama but basically anyone.

So, say I help out at some local charity - even help organize events. Then it turns CFO of the charity is caught funneling money to the Taliban. Great, now all of a sudden I'm aiding terrorists?

Guilty by association is a very dangerous game to play.
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Well let's not put in the tin foil hat just yet. I'm not a fan at all of these "tied to" stories not only regarding Obama but basically anyone.

So, say I help out at some local charity - even help organize events. Then it turns CFO of the charity is caught funneling money to the Taliban. Great, now all of a sudden I'm aiding terrorists?

Guilty by association is a very dangerous game to play.

I don't have any problem with the cautionary note in general but it works both ways. Let's not put the tin foil hat on so tight that we no longer see what is there to be seen.

Obama worked for Acorn training "volunteers." - period. That is a fact and to my knowledge never denied by his own people. Pick your source, left, right, dem, repub whatever and you can confirm it there. You think the Wall Street Journal has cred then here is a link. If not go to the National Enquirer or Huffington or whatever works.

Obama and Acorn -

I do agree that one must move cautiously. For example, if you told me last week that Acorn is so frigging whacked that they would help a pimp set up a child sex ring I would have said that that was a bridge too far. This week I am less certain.

There are also facts that no one cares about. Obama belonged to a church that gave a "lifetime achievement award" to Louis Farrakan who is one of the premier racists, hate mongers, and anti-semites in America who publicly calls Judaism "a gutter religion. It is a fact confirmed by both Rev. Wright and Farrakan that they went over to visit Ghadaffi. The bad news is that those tin foil facts are true. The good news for Obama is that no one cares. Well, let me tell you something. It scares the goddamn bejeezus out of me. You follow the money trail in that crew and it goes to Acorn, Libya, the usual Chicago "donors" and well, well beyond.
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

John: I had my tin hat on a long time ago. Lets quit making excuses for bad judgement. This President has some shadowy people he rubs shoulders with. But I post from the shadows anyway so AL3 will call my comments illegitimate. These Acorn types are garbage. Talk about making an illegitimate (illegal) living sucking off the gov't nipples. How many millions of our tax dollars are going to this worthless organization?
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

John: I had my tin hat on a long time ago. Lets quit making excuses for bad judgement. This President has some shadowy people he rubs shoulders with. But I post from the shadows anyway so AL3 will call my comments illegitimate. These Acorn types are garbage. Talk about making an illegitimate (illegal) living sucking off the gov't nipples. How many millions of our tax dollars are going to this worthless organization?

Yeah, that deal is foul.
We can't channel our resources better than that?
Truly disconcerting.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Playing the race card is always a proven technique.

"People are trying to tear us down for supporting a child sex ring because there are millions of people out there who cannot accept the fact that we have a President now who thinks like we do." Whoops.......I meant looks like we do.

I wonder if those two ladies will receive a reprimand?

Not only are they criminal but damn they must be stupid.

I mean, that was no street ho, and the pimp? Maybe on Sesame

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Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Hey, al, ins.dave, has a problem with changing his font to a larger type for us old fogeys. I hope that he doesn't sell in the senior market with that attitude. Hopefully he may never reach that stage in his existence.:embarrassed:
Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Not "fowl." The word you want is "foul." "Fowl" is a type of bird.

There is no such word as "disconcerning." Perhaps you meant "disconcerting?"

In another thread someone posted that we should only allow ENGLISH to be spoken in the US and to be the "official" language.

If that ever comes to pass, most of you neos will be imprisoned or deported. :yes:

When you junior-college educated right-wing conservatives sell a life policy do you write a cover letter to "educate" the underwriter about the client? If you do, and your English is as badly constructed as it is in your posts here, I simply can't imagine what the underwriters think about YOU, to say nothing of your clients.

I'll agree with those who believe that English as a second language is difficult... more so than Spanish or French. But for some of you it seems as if English is your third language... after Texan and rural Southern :D

Of course I had an advantage because I came from Nu Yawk! (Youse gotta problem wid dat?") :D

I can't believe I'm responding to this.
Do you wake up every morning with a h*rd on, go to the toilet and while urinating, chuckle at how you cannot, over that stomach of yours see your feet on the floor? Then, without properly wiping, allowing droplets of urine to fall where they may, scurry to your $30 PC, hoping to catch a fellow forumer who let his spell check guard down?
Probably as good as it gets for you?
Perhaps asphyxiation? It's less expensive than an overdose and less messy than taking the top of your head off with a shot gun?

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