Aetna Invoice/Payment Issues

I'm currently having my own issue with them. Bought myself a policy through them mid-December that was supposed to go into effect January 1st. Well, suddenly my job has decided to offer insurance, so I called Aetna to cancel it.

A week later, they still ended up deducting the premium for January. I called them and was told that the cancellation had been received and that I'd get a refund within 7 to 10 days. Of course, this timeframe comes and goes with no refund. So I call again. Am told the same thing and mind you, I've received a cancellation letter in the mail in the meantime.

So now I've called again and am told it's been escalated and will take 3 to 4 days. It's about to get ugly.
This is the stupidest, most ridiculous thing I can imagine from a major corporation like Aetna, they should be both embarrassed and ashamed at the lack of support.

I am more shocked that you are surprised.

BX is the same way. UHC can't even figure out if they paid or not. Or enrolled. All this is just ACA Take 2. Some things got better, but not really. We've got people who moved policies and termed the old policy that got drafted on the 2014 policy this week. And the 2015 policy.

Scott and White came to town, it looks like they cut into the BX numbers and they have NO one in the system. ID cards are not produced. They are taking payments over the phone, since that's the only way they can do it right now.

The list goes on and on. Its not going to get any better. And if anyone who sells indy business is looking to get paid on a majority of their policies prior to March, they are going to be sorely disappointed.
I am more shocked that you are surprised.

BX is the same way. UHC can't even figure out if they paid or not. Or enrolled. All this is just ACA Take 2. Some things got better, but not really. We've got people who moved policies and termed the old policy that got drafted on the 2014 policy this week. And the 2015 policy.

Scott and White came to town, it looks like they cut into the BX numbers and they have NO one in the system. ID cards are not produced. They are taking payments over the phone, since that's the only way they can do it right now.

The list goes on and on. Its not going to get any better. And if anyone who sells indy business is looking to get paid on a majority of their policies prior to March, they are going to be sorely disappointed.

This has been going on for weeks, it is no longer a surprise, it's just completely unprofessional and pathetic. Don't take my annoyance at this as anything else than a comment on this.

Other than Aetna I have mostly been able to get through except for 2 days last week with Assurant.

I have already been paid by each of the companies for whom I've written business (Assurant, UHC, Humana and even Coventry) with the exception of Aetna, who posted on Producer World in November than commissions for 2015 business wouldn't be paid until February.
My Aetna aep commissions hit my bank today however, as my earliest post, the statement date is 12/30/2014 so I get to pay taxes on it this year, yay me
I called 3 seconds after they opened today, waited about 5 minutes and reached a CSR.

None of the open payments had invoices generated yet but was told I could call Member Services and they would take the payment over the phone.

I called Member Services and was told no payments could be made until the invoice was generated. She did claim that she was putting a notification to get the invoice generated and it would be ready to pay in '72 hours'. I have as much confidence in that as Sammy the Bull being released from prison and becoming our next president.

Talk about incompetence...
If you faxed in cancellation request, the general rule for Coventry is to IGNORE and draft anyway.

I have halted all ACA marketing (newspaper ads and signage in front of the office) since 98% of enrollees will choose a Coventry plan. That means for every new client, I have a 98% chance they will view my agency as inept when Coventry screws them over like every other case.
I'm with you on the no more advertising, I pulled all my signage yesterday, i'm not ruining my business for that crap.
One client calls Aetna with no invoice, they take payment over the phone.

Another calls, they say we can't take payment without the invoice.

Will someone tell Aetna to start taking their bipolar meds? :goofy::mad::1frown::1rolleyes::1confused: