Aetna Surprise?

Just curious....with Aetna's new rating system as of 7-1....if husband and wife have eight kids....are kids now rated individually? I guess I could call Aetna, but I haven't done that yet. From what I have read, I believe that is the case.

Oh well. Those families of 8 (smokers) that were getting such a good rate are gone now.
HA! At least ya got paid something.. I've only written 4 policies with them and those were from last fall and I have yet to see a check from them.......

I know Health Choice One is having a hard time getting any commissions out of them for their agents..

Anyone else having problems?
I just tried running a quote on an individual yesterday who has anxiety/depression. I was told by the Aetna rep that they do not cover mental health benefits. Yeah? I noticed some comments on the ap about mandatory mental health benefits, and she said those are only for dx on APA DSM. In other words, severe disorders get covered, but they will accept him with pre-ex exclusions (for LIFE!!).

Anyone else run across this issue?