A lot of good info here. I checked out the following;
agencymanagementsystemreviews, Looks like it's due for an update, whichthey slot for this year, so that will be an interesting read.
agencyuserreviews.com Good info here as well some is outdatedthough.
I have read that Ezlynx is slow, has anyone seenimprovements with this?
From what I can see so far, the ones to watch are EZLYNX, EPIC, AM360/FSC(VERTAFORE), SEMCAT,QQ CATALYST
I'm looking for a comp rater as well & it looks likethe product that allows customers to get a rate from my website is yet another product.
So we have;
A management system
A comparative rater
A online rater for customers.
I'm sure there are "bundle" systems. I have noticed some people mixing systems.
I like the idea of getting a system that I will not have to update in a few years due to growth.
Thanks for all the info. I'll try & update my experiences, hopefully it to will be helpful to someone.
Update 9-26-13;
Just got a quote from Verbafore;
AMS360OL management system:
3k to set up your system, but I discounted it 100%
4k for training but I discounted it 50% at 2k upfront (in 12 monthly payments or $166.00 a month for the first year)
125.00 a month per user (1 user) and a base fee of $50.00 with a total of $175.00 a month
Total first year monthly bill will be: $341.00 a month (before taxes)
PL Rating system:
182.00 to set up, but I discounted it 100% at no cost to you
182.00 a month, but I discounted it to $125.00 a month
CRQ is $53.00 a month to have your rater on your website, can't discount.
$178.00 if you wanted PLR and CRQ
$6,228 a year for everything. sounds steep
Spoke to Applied, Doris was recommended
does do a quote said that a CR's gives a ball park while theirs is real time & if the quote comes back as XXX then that's the price.
unlimited space
real time iterface
for 3 users 280 per month
one time fee 1100ish
one user cost 375 set up
$138.00 per month
72 per user to add later on
A lot of good info here. I checked out the following;
agencymanagementsystemreviews, Looks like it's due for an update, whichthey slot for this year, so that will be an interesting read.
agencyuserreviews.com Good info here as well some is outdatedthough.
I have read that Ezlynx is slow, has anyone seenimprovements with this?
From what I can see so far, the ones to watch are EZLYNX, EPIC, AM360/FSC(VERTAFORE), SEMCAT,QQ CATALYST
I'm looking for a comp rater as well & it looks likethe product that allows customers to get a rate from my website is yet another product.
So we have;
A management system
A comparative rater
A online rater for customers.
I'm sure there are "bundle" systems. I have noticed some people mixing systems.
I like the idea of getting a system that I will not have to update in a few years due to growth.
Thanks for all the info. I'll try & update my experiences, hopefully it to will be helpful to someone.
Update 9-26-13;
Just got a quote from Verbafore;
AMS360OL management system:
3k to set up your system, but I discounted it 100%
4k for training but I discounted it 50% at 2k upfront (in 12 monthly payments or $166.00 a month for the first year)
125.00 a month per user (1 user) and a base fee of $50.00 with a total of $175.00 a month
Total first year monthly bill will be: $341.00 a month (before taxes)
PL Rating system:
182.00 to set up, but I discounted it 100% at no cost to you
182.00 a month, but I discounted it to $125.00 a month
CRQ is $53.00 a month to have your rater on your website, can't discount.
$178.00 if you wanted PLR and CRQ
$6,228 a year for everything. sounds steep
Spoke to Applied, Doris was recommended
does do a quote said that a CR's gives a ball park while theirs is real time & if the quote comes back as XXX then that's the price.
unlimited space
real time iterface
for 3 users 280 per month
one time fee 1100ish
one user cost 375 set up
$138.00 per month
72 per user to add later on
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