Why not have two domains that focus on each of those formats? One domain would be more personal branding and the other would be more agency focused. I know this is extra work as you can do both on one.
I'm noticing that website customers are coming to us wanting product/service-specific sites. For example up to about a year ago the electrician had us do a pretty generic site on his "regular" domain.
Now he comes to us and says "I want a site about my service to install home theatre and a site that is based around pulling CAT cable for small offices".. and he has a domain for each.
Same for the book biz. Publishers used to throw a bunch of books on a site, now they have a site for each title... like this site we did recently.
And in insurance we see agents coming to us with product-specific sites... like this one we finished last week.
When you can get nice sites done for such a low cost from people like John, and Josh, and me and a zillion others out there in web-world... why not have multiple sites?