American Republic

AR was originally a marginal player in the career shop game. Then they branched out in to brokerage. Now it would seem they want to re-establish the career shop.

They have a few private label products, nothing impressive. Underwriting is stodgy at best. Still rely on a paper app. I believe they finally discovered who MIB is and how they can be used to avoid ordering APS'.

Since they purchased World (another marginal player) they have had mostly a negative impact on the World product line, underwriting and service.

I see no reason why things would be improved working for them as a career agent.

If you are looking to get started and need support, they might have something worthwhile. Since MOO abandoned the major med market and career shop there really is no place for a new agent to go and get trained using a REAL major med plan.

You could do worse.

Much worse.
Some years ago I had a contract with American Republic as a broker. I did sell a few, but at that time their app was formidable to say the least. They had a picture on one page which looked like that "visible man" doll that shows all the internal organs. And there were pages of health questions which the client was supposed to answer themselves and then they had to initial each answer. The agent had to sign an affidavit that the app was prepared by the client. It was tiresome to go through all those hoops for a not very impressive product and mediocre compensation.
I met with the Am Repuplic mgr. He told me they have a new vice prez and are revamping things. The compensation and training looks good. They claim to have a fairly good issue rate and "policy taken" rate.

I was with Mutual of Omaha twenty years ago with the major med pan, and liked it there, but we were being told not to sell Maj Med too much and sell more life and DI.

I have been looking around and interviewing and looking and looking, this seems pretty good.
In Texas their main screw up (one of many) was to opt out of PHCS and go to Great Western. I know that in Dallas it is a very small network.
The mgr was really pushing Great Western as being a huge strong selling point. I guess here in the Central TX area there are like 4K providers or something like that.... I need to research it for sure.
The Great West (not western) network is decent, but spotty. They are continuing to grow by acquiring smaller networks.

If you need (want) training in an agency setting, they may be your best option. Nothing says you have to marry them.
Basically, I've kept my insurance license but have been out of the game a while and thinking of getting back in- full time. I would indeed need some training and stuff, to get me back into it. NYL gave me a rejection letter, I figured they could bring me in like a newbie and train me, but no. My other contacts with insurance companies are kind of used up and worn out. I've been to AGLA and gone twice, and they don't like that. Been to Mutual of Omaha so many times I am surprised they would re-hire me, but they might, but there's reasons why I left there, and I do not want to play that game right now. I have played the Torchmark game. I have played the Medicare Advantage game. There are two debit companies here and they both will not give me the time of day. Western Southern does not wish to get into the Central TX market right now, maybe later. Monumental does not have service offices around here. I even tried the mortgage protection deal for two days until I saw my manager stand up and bow up against a young guy like he was going to assault him. Actually, that would have been funny. I would have gotten on the side of the client and kicked that *** manager's butt, two on one. The wife was there, we could have gone three on one. ha ha The New England looked good but I got spooked away for some reason. I think it was the whole "financial planning" aspect at the New England. I'm just an old school insurance guy. I tried the { almost} Major Med sales deal with an agency that really looks a lot like NASE but is not. I may be running out of choices as far as career agencies go.
ok, I decided American Republic was not for me. I think if you were to be a newbie agent and come in there and just do things they way they train you, it would be ok, but I've been brokering a little and enjoy the freedom to do things my way. A little too much structure for me, I'm kind of a wildcat sometimes.