Americo Marketing

If you dont know your own clients life insurance history, then americo or other carriers arent a good fit for you. You would have all sorts of problems if you wrote fully underwritten companys.

It would be hard to know the client's life insurance history if you had just met them and they were unable to tell you who they had applied with in the past..

As for fully underwritten, I have always just filled in the question based on the way the client answers the question concerning other insurance and haven't had any problem.. However most of the apps, even fully underwritten, just ask "Does the proposed Insured have any other coverage in force?" .. They don't ask about other coverage applied for, disposition of the application, etc.
If they are not on the application how is the agent supposed to know to ask for that information? Does Americo call you and tell you to get it?

It'll show up in your pending report for that file... I had a similar case where an MIB hit showed up for my client in the past year, and they wanted to know what the story was and if the policy was taken.

(and to chime in on your original question: a 'clean' Ultra Protector app should go through in less than a week, but I'd never think anything of it taking 3-4 days with Americo so a week isn't a huge surprise. They were my primary carrier for mortgage protection, but I've really switched over primarily to MoO for most of my non-med stuff, especially the FE policies.)
It would be hard to know the client's life insurance history if you had just met them and they were unable to tell you who they had applied with in the past..

As for fully underwritten, I have always just filled in the question based on the way the client answers the question concerning other insurance and haven't had any problem.. However most of the apps, even fully underwritten, just ask "Does the proposed Insured have any other coverage in force?" .. They don't ask about other coverage applied for, disposition of the application, etc.

That's just it...Tell the insurance company that to the best of your knowledge, client applied to XYZ company...Problem averted
UHL will pretty much disclose to the agent the reason why if the product you are applying for is not accepted... I get some good info from them
I forget to ask from time to time, but make sure you ask about nitrate prescriptions from your heart-history prospects.

I've been knocked out many a times from interviews where the prospect was prescribed nitrates but never took them and forgot about letting me know.