Annuity Leads/Appointment Setters

you pre pay for however many appointments you have them schedule all i remember is prepaying 3k for 50 appointments ...the website is Welcome To - they are very good, the people they get definitely have money. The last client transfered 480k from a pension from work in which he was retiring, just keep in mind they come in slow....very slow but its qaulity...just letting you know because at first i thought i got scammed as it took 2 months to get the first appointment but its worth it, other than that im doing direct mailing can get good qaulity list from accudata but direct mail takes long. and is not that bad but you have to share the lead with like 50 agents.
Okay, I just got another confirmed appointment with datamed and they gave me 10 of their free unconfirmed appointments this week, thanks for the reasurance saltimbango.....the client wants me to meet him at my office, sweet!!!...i guess i was just anxious with so much scams going on.
hey guys found the number for 1 800 315 5371, i have a local number for them too 395 320 4273 hope that helps
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sorry its 305 320 4273
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thanks for the reassurance saltimbango!!, i just got another confirmed appointment with datamed, client wants to meet me at my office this thursday and has a 845k porfolio! sorry I sounded desperate its just there are so many scams out there, datamed also gave me 10 of their free unconfirmed appointments this week. i guess the wait is worth it, thanks again!!!
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Hey Saltimbango, how many of the free appointments did you end up getting fro datamed? curious because i just got another batch of 15, is this to be expected?? how the hell do they make money then?
i dont know...several hundred maybee...dont underestimate the free ones that they give working on a case now where its a structured settlement for 3 million, if i get this i wont work the rest of the year, good luck!
oh well good things dont last forever, i thought i was one of the only ones using datamed, be carefull on spreading the word. Eventually it will be just a matter of time before every agent finds out how good they are and then they become like the rest of the lead generation companies. Whats your average deal size with them anyway????