Annuity Prospecting System

Sound very interesting. I am interested in learning more on marketing to the Fed employees. I did 250k today and i do not know where my next annuity client is coming from! I am thinking 1000 mailers with 1-2% response =10-15 leads then 5-7 appointments-2-3 annuity sales. Any recommendations on annuiter mailer companies with good rates?????
From my experience you had better drop a lot more then 1000 pieces. Not sure where you live but it normally takes 2500 pieces to get 5-7 appts.:yes:
lol. Nice take away.

I really like the part about how you want guys with NO experience. Get them green while they don't know better.

Just how much does your program cost?

What are commission rates?

And why does this smell like bs?
Sorry to all who have expressed interest in our Postal marketing system. I was inactive for so long on the forum that my account was disabled somehow. Needed to change anyway with new company name and info.

We have made MILES of progress on putting our training system together for prospective agents. We severly under estimated the challenge of taking what we did every day and converting it into a system that could be trained.

We have tested our training system on agents who are 2 months into the business and they are closing 50%. The system will only improve from here so we are happy about the quality of the process.

There have been a lot of you "interested" in our system but to be really honest there are a lot of agents out there who are looking for an easier system to "try out". To be quite frank 95% of insurance agents are worthless and that's why their 1099's never bust $150,000.

Our system is the real deal- so we will only entertain "real deal" agents. We already have the midwest covered so the opportunity will be west of Missouri and then extreme northern US (by midwest we have as north as Chicago and Milwaukee covered).

Key traits/skills you must be able to prove through previous experience and results:

1) Must be a phone expert. By expert I mean you know how to be persistently polite in trying to reach someone. Half the battle is getting some of the people on the phone and then warm them up to an appointment. Once you are in the home the deal is pretty much done in most cases.

2) Must be willing to drive 1000 miles a week maximum.

3) Must be willing to sign a detailed and comprehensive non-disclosure and no-compete. Those that try to operate outside the model and place business outside our FMO will be buried.

4) Must be willing to cover your own expenses to travel to St. Louis for 3 days training. You will be sent training material prior to your trip to study. Upon your arrival you will be tested on that material. If you do not pass, you will be sent back home to study more before your training.

5) $1,000,000 E&O

6) At least 2 months of reserves. Although our annuities transfer in as little as 3 weeks the agent must have the resources to travel and cover their own personal overhead until they fill their pipeline.

7) Experience in Annuities is actually a downside to us. Too many agents are caught up in selling product. We TELL YOU what you are going to sell depending on the state. True salespeople can take two products completely opposite of each other and sell both of them either way. We are looking for "that guy" or gal that has a track record of crushing their peers, tenacious attitude, and professonal appearance and presence.

8) Must be willing to work from a script. The system works, we don't need anyone trying to reinvent the wheel.

Those who "pass" will find the best annuity system that people have never heard about. We have producers who are writing $5,000,000 and working 7 months a year.

Those who KNOW they qualify and are willing to make the steps provided above email me with your contact information and your proof of your qualifications. Those people that I feel have what it takes will get a phone interview. Depending on that interview we will make the final decision.

Again, sorry for the delay but we want it done right and that doesn't always mean fast.

I would like to know what you are offering, please send me a email with your info so we can talk, i can not private message because i am new to the forum.

[email protected]
Hey Budfox... do you have any experience selling annuities?

Are you the least bit suspicious of a guy who only wants to hire the inexperienced?

There is no "magic" system.

Do federal employees have unique situations? Yes.

If I were to hire people to work this market, I would not exclude experienced agents.

If you go with this, please share your commission level. I'm curious what kind of haircut you will take.