- 19,487
Yesterday, I sold a $20,000 standard WL to a previous heart patient who had also beat cancer 3 years ago. Even though the rates are slightly higher for standard final expense policies, the health questions only go back 2 years, and they don't even consider health circumstances that many companies decline outright. I don't buy their leads, but I have managed to generate my own. If a client is healthy and looking for a large face amount term or UL, I've been running them through AGLA, as the rates and ABRs are a great selling point. However, there are a high percentage of "uninsurables" in my area of the country, and Lincoln Heritage fits in well many times.
"Slightly"higher???? Most good FE companies only ask 2 years and many will cover people that LH won't. For instance, LH won't give immediate coverage to a person on Plavix. Almost every other company will and do it at much lower cost. coumadin is another.
LH offers nothing to the FE except high rates for the consumer and bad treatment to the agents that sell it. If you don't know about that last part, you haven't been with them long enough. That is an education that will come.