Anyone Here Sell Insurance for AAA?

AAA here are the pros and cons....


1...If you like being in an office enviroment and not going out to chase business then this might work out for you. AAA traffic comes from mostly DMV transactions as members in AAA can do their DMV in any branch.

2....From the life side of the house, you will always make some sort of income just for being in the office. You are salary for the 1st 6months then you go on some sort of draw that you dont have to pay back to justify your presence in the office.

3....Other branch employees have a life and P&C quota they have to meet thru referring member to these products. If branch employees like you, then you might be in heaven with leads coming at you left and right.

4....Term Life on super preferred and preferred rates are hard to beat. Very competitive.

5....Name recognizion....AAA name is trusted across the US. Membership benefits are great.

6...Forgot about the pension...yep a rarity nowadays...but pretty common on a captive insurance company...rarity in other industries


1...They dont hire newbies for life insurance, at least 2+ in experience.

2...Even though you have a manager, there is hardly any support. Managers here are caretakers which all they care is about numbers and not on your well being. If you have case issues, then you are better off talking to agents on your team to solve issues or you will be S.O.L. You might resent the fact that management here is useless and they are getting an override from you.

3...Underwriting at AAA is horrible!!!! They APS everything that walks. You get paid for cases that get approved not submitted. Your headaches will come from cases that have weeks and even months in underwriting with no result. This explains why term is so competitive, they are STRICT on who they take in as a insurer or not.

4...If branch does not like you, you will be on your own. Agents do have somewhat of a high turnover, very difficult to build rapport with branch employees since most of them are miserable with their hourly wages. Disgruntal employees equals no leads for you.

5...Rest of AAA life and annuity products are vanilla products. Not competitive at all with other companies. They have no final expense product. No accident. No critical illness. No guaranteed issue.

6....P&C products are expensive!! only competition comes from farmers or state farm...Geico, progressive and even allstate have cheaper insurance than AAA...

7...If you are old school agent, AAA refuses to do paper applications or face to face communication. Everything is done electronically and all communications are done via email. If they want to acknowledge you or get on you, they will do it thru an email. Lots of pow wow, and rah rah cheerleader stuff in emails. Somewhat unprofessional since anyone can write an email full of B.S. material.

7..You dont owned anything here...the book of business stays if you leave. period! they are not your clients, they are part of the club.

8..You get paid here bi-monthly on business that you wrote in the previous month. Commisions are not paid until the following month. Tier structure is affected every quarter. Having a bad current quarter will affect your pay significally in the next quarter.

9..Even though your not an hourly or salary employee here. You have to clock in and out of the office. You are required to take lunch before a certain time or else you can get terminated here. They take time management more seriously than actually sales here. If you dont like to be controlled, then this company is not for you.

10...commissions are low compare to other captive companies....they justified with all the foot traffic that comes into the branch. There is a price to pay per member and that is your paycheck.
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Great agent support...very strict underwriting...competitive term products....generate a few leads from AAA members but not as many as you might think...great company to work for...
Overall AAA is middle of the road with its pros and company is perfect. Yet AAA does things differently than others. Either you adapt or you will not make it.