Anyone Making A Living Coldcalling?

first off reference usa is all i use. personally i dont see a big advantage in working on small groups. individual and large groups are the areas that you can make the most money.

what i have done over the last 3 years has worked very well for me. i spend monday and tuesday cold calling. on ref usa you can narrow your search to home based businesses. those are the people who usually pay for their own insurance. there usually is no gate keeper. leave the small talk out of your conversation. get to the point. you have 15 sec to capture their attention. something like this.

is mike in? this is, who s this? mike my names george and i help business owners who pay for their own insurance save money by looking through different companies and giving you the same plan you have or better for a lower cost. does saving money sound like something you'd like.

you only need them to say yes to a simple question. get their info run the quotes. call them back the next day. let them know what you found. when you sell them also ask for referals especially their parents. that is where a majority of my medicare business comes from. also find a company that specializes in big groups work with their agents. big companies are trying to find ways to save money and dropping their retirees is a big way they are going about it. if the agent has someone the boss can refer the retirees to it helps them out in making sure they are taken care of. that is a great way to make money. i get 5 to 10 a month that way.

hope some of this helps you or someone else who is starting out or gives other agents ideas on how to expand their book of business.
first off reference usa is all i use. personally i dont see a big advantage in working on small groups. individual and large groups are the areas that you can make the most money.

what i have done over the last 3 years has worked very well for me. i spend monday and tuesday cold calling. on ref usa you can narrow your search to home based businesses. those are the people who usually pay for their own insurance. there usually is no gate keeper. leave the small talk out of your conversation. get to the point. you have 15 sec to capture their attention. something like this.

is mike in? this is, who s this? mike my names george and i help business owners who pay for their own insurance save money by looking through different companies and giving you the same plan you have or better for a lower cost. does saving money sound like something you'd like.

you only need them to say yes to a simple question. get their info run the quotes. call them back the next day. let them know what you found. when you sell them also ask for referals especially their parents. that is where a majority of my medicare business comes from. also find a company that specializes in big groups work with their agents. big companies are trying to find ways to save money and dropping their retirees is a big way they are going about it. if the agent has someone the boss can refer the retirees to it helps them out in making sure they are taken care of. that is a great way to make money. i get 5 to 10 a month that way.

hope some of this helps you or someone else who is starting out or gives other agents ideas on how to expand their book of business.
I built a multi million dollar agency starting with cold calls, which is still an essential part of the business, although we are more inbound than outbound, we do both. your method is fine, you may wish to speed up the process with a dialer. I do this for other agencies. I would also reexamine the fact that according to the Lighthouse studies released in 2005, the group market was in a 17 year decline. This info was given to me by the President of Anthem Blue Cross at the Swisshotel ( Chicago) meeting of top group producers for Anthem BC & BS.
Cold calling can only work in one instance,, if you like doing it. Yes, there are still a few people out there that look forward to their 2 full days on the phone a week and I am talking about 8 hours a day on the phone.

That I know isn't true. I personally think it sucks, but still do it because it gets results. There is a difference between "pleasing methods" and "pleasing results". I still have yet to meet someone that really likes cold calling and joyfully will put in 8 hours on the phone, in fact, the people who profess to like doing it the most usually aren't doing it at all.
That I know isn't true. I personally think it sucks, but still do it because it gets results. There is a difference between "pleasing methods" and "pleasing results". I still have yet to meet someone that really likes cold calling and joyfully will put in 8 hours on the phone, in fact, the people who profess to like doing it the most usually aren't doing it at all.

It is the only thing I do and I don't look forward to it. I have even dusted my office in the morning to avoid having to make that first phone call. However, once that first call is made that usually starts the juices flowing and the rest are a lot easier.
Recently I came across this forum trying to find where people looking for sales leads as it relates to Employee Benefits hang out. I am not sure that I can help, but I work for a company called Broadlook Technologies that has had tremendous success in several industries as it relates to something called Sphere of Influence (SOI) selling. Now SOI has simple tenets … #1 reaching out to multiple people in an organization to politely influence those to take action. One challenge that sales reps find is not having enough information. Traditional sources like the aforementioned infoUSA, typically only offer a single point of contact and more often than not, that info is stale. We have developed technology that has had great success in other industries (and again, I am not sure it would apply to your industry) that is an internet tool that goes out and finds – in real-time – names, emails, phone numbers and BIOS about the target companies that you want to sell to.

So I welcome feedback from the forum finding out if this is something that you think would work in your industry as it has in others.
Recently I came across this forum trying to find where people looking for sales leads as it relates to Employee Benefits hang out. I am not sure that I can help, but I work for a company called Broadlook Technologies that has had tremendous success in several industries as it relates to something called Sphere of Influence (SOI) selling. Now SOI has simple tenets … #1 reaching out to multiple people in an organization to politely influence those to take action. One challenge that sales reps find is not having enough information. Traditional sources like the aforementioned infoUSA, typically only offer a single point of contact and more often than not, that info is stale. We have developed technology that has had great success in other industries (and again, I am not sure it would apply to your industry) that is an internet tool that goes out and finds – in real-time – names, emails, phone numbers and BIOS about the target companies that you want to sell to.

So I welcome feedback from the forum finding out if this is something that you think would work in your industry as it has in others.

Not that I don't think that's cool, but this isn't the right way to advertise on the forum.
MedicarePlanSolution - I respecfully accept your feedback, but I do want to make it clear that Sphere of Influence Selling is not what my company sells. Our CEO is very passionate about this method and therefore, every webinar is free to attend. Come more then once if you like and definately ask questions. My intention was not to advertise, rather share that this may be something to help.