Anyone Making A Living Coldcalling?

I hate to cold call....Did it when I first started. I will not do it anymore. I would rather bang my head against the wall and get dizzy.

I have also tried every other "trick" in the book. Here is what works for me:

1. Put in ad in Craigslist looking for an EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETER. Hire two of them - part time, one to work from 9-1 and one to work from 1-5. Pay them what they are worth. $10/hr is a good starting point. DO NOT LET THEM SELL, ONLY ASK IF THEY WOULD BE INTERESTED IN TALKING TO AN AGENT. Once a client is interested, all they say is "great, our agent will call you later today, or tomorrow". No pressure, no rush.

2. Get Mojo, and buy a list of small business in your state.

3. Order "aged" leads from one of your vendors. Negotiate and get a good price...$.25-$1.00 each.

4. Let the telemarketers make all your calls. Have one work Mon-Friday from 9-1 and the other work 1-5. Let them use Mojo to call the aged leads and cold call leads. They should average you about 2 leads an hour. Again, I dont want them selling or making appts, I can handle that.

5. You only deal with these "exclusive" leads they give you. You should close at least one a day.

8 hours of telemarketing costs $80 a day. Average 15 leads a day, that is $5.33 for an EXCLUSIVE lead. Or you can buy/waste your money and pay $20 for them from a vendor, and of course they are not exclusive. Anyone with basic phone skills can sell one out of 15 exclusive leads. Use web sharing software, never leave your house/office.

4 sales a week will gross you around 2500-3500 a week.

Run the numbers, and go for it...all the way. Dont half-ass it, jump in and go all the way!

Once your system is tweaked, you can make a ton of money while helping people out.

The key, find good telemarketers with experience. This is what is working for me. Best of luck to you all!
...:: Im in the auto insurance and I just receive my 200 leads and im going through them, ill let you know what my ratio is. I havent called a single one, I always get better responce when I call around 4pm. One more hour here in california:::....
I am completely new to the small group market. Using Reference USA for a biz list, I have called for 8 hours over 2 days and set zero appointments. I haven't kept track of exactly how many gatekeepers I have gotten past but I would guess I have spoken to no less than 30 business owners.
I realize this is for the most part a numbers game, but I was curious as to what others typically expect from a session of coldcalls.

Yes, cold calling is how I have achieved 90% of my business. I unfortunately don't get too many referrals, partly my fault as I don't pressure for it. But I find Cold calling to be my best friend. It sucks, but it pays off once you get a rhythym.
You might as well buy a lotto ticket with better hopes.

It depends on who you are. I made a great living this year and over 90% of my business was cold-calls. It is a great way for people to start out in the insurance business with little to no cost.

I agree that it is not for everybody, but if a person is very motivated and determined to be successful in this business, cold-calling is a great way to build your income.
Cold calling is about the quality of the calls made, not the quantity of calls.

It is the only way I market Med Supps.


As good as you are on the phone, if I let you make only ten calls per day and I put a novice against you who made a hundred calls per day, who do you think would come out ahead over the course of a year?

At the very least, the equation is a combination of the two:

Dials (quanity) X Closing % (quality) = Sales

I would argue the failure rate in sales is more a function of quanity than a quality problem. However, that isn't to say quality isn't important.
