Anyone Work for Ameri-life?

There is a guy there now who had his hands slapped by the DOI. He lost a lot of his prior appointments so I have no clue how it's making it!

No they will totally release but you have to pay what they claim they owe you.

Yes I've seen the 100% while they celebrate you as a top producer! CRAZY these people are.:swoon:

I really don't know why anyone wants to work for them other then being lazy about calling leads because there is no training.

IF you get a lead list, say 5000 names, filtered for age, income, area, you may pay...$300-$500. Get a decent script, O those robo calls had good scripts and annoying as they were, they worked. I know an agent who is using her companies old robo call script as her lead in and she is killing it! Avg pre $4,000 a week but she is disciplined to make the calls and has tweaked her list a bit I will admit and does some tough love when they want to put it off. But who really wants to buy FE?

Anyway, you can do it all yourself IF you have the discipline and desire and willingness to just do it!:yes:
For anyone who had a bad experience with Amerilife, I encourage you to work for Liberty National. That is where I started my insurance career a year ago. I started my training with a guy who had an insecure wife and because of her insecurities my training was cut 1-2 weeks short. I was also made promises about going in on worksites that never panned out. I even got my non-resident GA license because of this very promise.

We were told that we would get free leads. These leads consisted of people who said whatever they needed to say to get the telemarketer off the phone. When we followed up on these leads 95-100% of them they would hang up or say not interested and then hang up. If we didn't deliver as much AP as the leads cost we were not given anymore leads.

Oh and did I mention that the office I worked out of had a husband and wife running the place and both would contradict the other when giving you "helpful training". I had enough and was recruited by another agent who left Liberty National to go to Amerilife.

When I left Liberty National I made no bones about going to another insurance company. They dared me to fail and told me that if I couldn't sell insurance with their company then I couldn't sell it anywhere. I have since found success under a really good manager and have found that this is where I plan on making my career.

I'm not a toe kisser I just work my ass off and have learned that if having a 6 figure job was easy then everyone would have one. Sitting here pointing fingers at Amerilife isn't taking charge of your career.

Just remember that this business isn't for everyone (just like any other field) and you just have to accept that it may not have been for you.
uote=Philly;139861]please provide any good or bad experience with this company? Thank you[/quote]
1) MA Commissions promised are suddenly lowered to suit top management agenda...cute tactic-CRIMINAL!
2) Ethics, What Ethics? Screw the customer and you are promoted to Branch Mgr.
3) Company plays with agents' monies- taking away AARP Med supp 10% commission and lowering it to $80
4) Paper operates like it is 1970....way too many trees are burned everyday at Amerilife
Amerilife is incredibly archaic in its business least 25 years behind the times
5) No stability in today...gone tommorrow
6) High turn over of agents- Clients are often upset with Amerilife for the high turnover. The lack of agent
retention speaks volumes about the poor atmosphere for agents. Agents are set up for failure. The entire
business model needs complete overhaul...antiquated and inefficient.
7) Very poor leads....used over and over and over and the data bases are never updated, corrected ...agents
get to call on dead people 4-5 times in a 3 month period because no one takes them out of the system.
8) Bond accounts are mishandled by manipulates & steals the agents money
9) E & O insurance is at least 25% higher than what I can purchase on the street. What a racket for the fat cats!
10) Steak & Beans conveys the wrong message to new agents are of no value to the company-
that experience was a total turn off...could not hear the speakers in the back of the room....but that was okay
because we are nothing but low life to management....but expected to represent the Amerilife name with
100% stupid does management think agents are?
11) Branch Leader meetings are a waste of incentive for agents to participate...content very poor
12) The AM meetings are lame and childish.....what's with the bells and whistles.....leave them for Romper
Room ...we are all adults and appreciate being treated like adults.
13) Agent training is very lacking and left up to local Branch Mgrs who have to go out and hustle for sales to
survive thus we all lose.
14) Why are independent agents required to produce weekly reports....unsalaried agents resent such
requirements when they don't receive any compensation for doing so.
15) Local branches keep no records or copies of policies. Agents must maintain their own files and have no
access to prior business sold to existing history trail....nothing.....really bad base
is not accessible to agents to view past history of a client. Agents just work blindly...comes off that we are a
bunch of idiots.
16) Honesty and integrity are not the hallmark of Amerilife...just a false claim...the biggest crook wins!
17) No agent support.....agent burdened with service work for screw support...
18) Agents forced to become appointed with companies they know nothing explanations...just do or
die....let the Fat Cats take your money and don't complain
19) Nobody in corporate knows anything about the Pre-Paid legal deal that Matt Bostwick touted on that
infamous Saturday. Now Matt is what's with Pre-Paid legal...just another Amerilife whim! in the
meanwhile I spent $ for fingerprinting and licensing.....and no answers
20) Some Fat Cat dude shows up at our branch ( no introductions) in a bright yellow Corvette and brags about
how great he is and how wrong we all are...what's with that dude? I'm very unimpressed!!! Sure go rub it
in the agents faces...they're all a bunch of idiots with no brains or feelings!
21) Pending department is days behind the 8 ball...I write my personal e-mail address on all apps so I can stay
informed of status....pending is clueless and most times totally inaccurate.
22) Smart agents work for brokers who arrange to have their agents payed directly by the carriers so there is
no chance for the Fat cats to screw the agents. Agents are guaranteed renewals from day one. Leads are
not shared but provided exclusively to the agents for sales. There are no lame morning meetings to
demoralize the agents. Agents are fairly compensated for their efforts. Minimal turnover- Top SHelf
training and support. No silly Steak & Beans banquets to put down new agents.
Cliff I had the same reaction to the morning meetings. I needed constructive training . I didn't need to lose my hearing to some noise making device. I also saw the 1 and only office lady running ragged and agents paperwork lost ( ie, annuity app;).I felt bad asking her for the paperwork I needed just to sign on with the company .The front office seemed totally chaotic. Not a good impression at all. I also was not keen on the captive agent requirement. But I was promised the world and shown 40k commission checks by the GA...Appreciate the broker advice.
Ameril-Life is preparing for a public sale...they are now requiring agents to work Saturday's..including a 1 1/2 hr get their numbers up. You perceived correctly...Ameri-Life is so chaotic, constantly losing paper work.....the company has a terrible data base for their leads...agents are tripping over the same old can sell a client this week and they will send another unsuspecting agent to your client next week. The place is a constant revolving door of agents.....they recruit for Medicare Advantage season then blow you out of the place after that.....if you are not happy, they will never ask why...they already know the answer.STAY AWAY FROM AMERI-LIFE
WOW Cliffordm7999 you hit it RIGHT ON!!!!! My advice for anyone considering this company is to read these blogs. My experience was negative and I have been in and out of the industry for 40 years. The company is going public and every agent's butt is on the line as to production. The GM's are being pushed HARD...which only trickles down to ineffectual management, the push to have agents sell products that may be inappropriate to the consumer along with unethical or bordering ethics as to sales practices etc. etc. It makes you think, if they succeed in their public offering, what will happen then.....will they just become a Bigger Problem and Representation of what should not occur in the industry in an "Agency" venue. I have little positive to say about Amerilies and am disappointed in them to say the least. One can hope that there are upstanding agencies out there that value their hardworking agents with truth, fair practices and general goodwill and what INSURANCE AND SERVICE WAS ALL ABOUT!!!!
NOT YOU, THE CONSUMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I am new to this forum and glad that I found it. It is both entertaining and informing. I am a new agent and would appreciate any and all feedback, good bad or indifferent. I have recently applied for appointments through an insurance wholesaler, who is an agent for a large IMO. They have approx 30 carriers to fit most any need. The commission structure seems good and commission payment comes directly from the carrier. My potential wholesaler provides some distance learning type training and has a tested marketing system/method. My main concern at this point (there are many actually), is my ability to absorb the training well enough to feel confident in meeting with clients or discussing their needs on the phone. Likewise, I am concerned about the timeframe for getting paid, as I have been out of work for almost 5 months.

Thanks to this and other forums, I steered away from NAA just before signing the paperwork. Due to my concerns about training and getting paid, I began thinking that a decent game plan may be to work for a captive agency for a while to get some realtime one on one training and start making some money. Then as I get comfortable, leave the captivity and began an independent career. However, from what I have read, I don't see too many opportunities to get what I really need by being captive. Too many horror stories about bad management, piss poor leads, holdbacks, chargebacks, fees and so on. NAA is a definite nono, Liberty National and Amerilife seem to have too many negatives to rely on as a viable option for my plan. I have read horror stories of agents saying that it typically takes 3-5 months or more to get paid on sold policies as an independent. That's not the picture that I get from my potential wholesaler. Whatodo, whatodo? I hate cold calling, not only for what it is, but because I believe it is usually a waste of time and even when a sale is generated through cold calling, it increases the risk of cancellations and chargebacks (A man convinced against his will is a man unconvinced still, or something of that nature).

I would appreciate any thoughts from those of you that have given either approach (captive or noncaptive) an honest effort and may be able to shed some light on my plan. Are there any good captive agencies? Good, meaning decent leads, effective management, honesty (towards agents and clients), provides meaningful effective training. What is the solution to prevent or eliminate chargebacks? (My guess would be taking commissions as earned and making sure the policy sold is of good value for the client (price and benefits).

Many thoughts and questions in 1 post, but I need to make a decision and get on a path soon.

I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2010.