Avoiding Replacement?/ Giving Value

Wino, Was this appt that resulted in replacing of policies, Bankers and Primerica from a DM? maketing process ?
I am curious why a client would request FE information, if they already have coverage?

Ill take the liberty and give you a canned "JD Easy" reply:

"They are serial mailers"

And boy ain't that the truth, Im trying to cement the relationship after the sale as best I can but I just know some of these people will send a reply card in again one day:twitchy:
Ill take the liberty and give you a canned "JD Easy" reply:

"They are serial mailers"

And boy ain't that the truth, Im trying to cement the relationship after the sale as best I can but I just know some of these people will send a reply card in again one day:twitchy:
Hell I have gotten two DM pieces from the same current customer in the past two months
Wino, Was this appt that resulted in replacing of policies, Bankers and Primerica from a DM? maketing process ?
I am curious why a client would request FE information, if they already have coverage?

No, it is probably as typical as most of my deals, lead wise. I get a chance to write one policy in a home I follow the family tree.

In this case I got a copy of a values letter the company sent to a 89yr old orphan I had AOR'd years ago. This is usually requested by medical. I called to make sure they got it and to let them know they can have the social worker call me direct if there was a question. Also talked about other service issues like beneficiary changes.

I wrote an additional application on her. The owner of that one referred me to her sister, the PFS and Bankers clients. I wrote 4 deals there. They referred me to another sister so I will start writing that family. The owner of the first policy sent me the Large UL/LTC policies she and her husband just got to review. I think I can put them in better plans for the near $9,000 ap they are paying. I am going to give it my best shot ;) Heck, Rick was with me on that appointment and they called a referral right then for medsups for him. The sister called me yesterday asking me look at her health insurance. I referred her out.

When these guys tell you that people will call you they are correct. I do not ask for names of referrals or any of that.

I have not done DM drops in close to 20 years. Even then I did not run the returns. I did not know how. They stayed in a shoe box under my desk for years. I think Chris Wier from lead connections (or is it concepts?) did the drops. Huge returns. I have never bought a lead. Unless you count paying for lap dances for one of the former regional. :1eek:

I will probably write at least 10 deals on this family and could even double that. Because I made a service call on a lady 30 days from her 90th birthday. That is my marketing process, Service. That is how I was trained. I did not know I was doing it wrong.

I pre-qualified them on the phone. Made the appointments a week out. Will probably do more of the family by phone or email. I sold United Heritage, Monumental, Americo and SNL. Took the old lady and daughter for tacos and beer. I did not pay for a lead. As you can see, I do not know the FE market or how to be an FE agent. I just fumble along, like Columbo.


Hell I have gotten two DM pieces from the same current customer in the past two months

Do you guys ever get DM cards from your own clients? How do you handle that?
I just tell this one customer "Dallas why do you bother sending these in? They only come back to me anyway."
That's funny.

Are all you Texans named after your home towns? :twitchy:

When my first wife and I got divorced she moved to Nashville to live with her sister and brother in law. Borother in law's name was Houston. Wasn't long beofe my ex was dating a guy named Dallas which she eventually married. Those sisters pretty much had Texas covered.:laugh:


Do you guys ever get DM cards from your own clients? How do you handle that?[/QUOTE]

Happens quite often. I just call them up and ask them why they sent in the card. Usually the replay is "because they sent it to me".:yes:

Do you guys ever get DM cards from your own clients? How do you handle that?

Had one last week from a client who is a serial mailer. I met with her again. She already has $20,000 with me from 5-years ago. I can't beat the rate she already has. Here was the exact conversation.

What can I do for you? Would you like to add some additional coverage?

No. I need to move to a different apartment and I'm trying to get my bills down. I need to cash in my life insurance and take a smaller one with a smaller payment.

I can sell you one with half the coverage but since you are older you won't have as good of deal per thousand.

How much will my payment be for $10,000?


That's what I want. When do I get my cash?

If I wouldn't have helped her get what she wants, the next guy would.
In my 10 years of being an agent I have only been replaced one time that I know of. Now I could have been replaced and the replacing agent did not do a replacement form and they just lapsed the policy.... snip....

Not just a question for JD, but in general... what is the flow of paperwork when a replacement form is submitted. From the post above it tells me that the original agent would get notice of replacement or is it just notice of cancellation?
I have done several replacements, they have all been more coverage for less premium, one was immediate coverage vs 2 year graded.
I was just curious if the other agent gets notice or ??? If the agent does get notice, how much information do they receive? I've never gotten a notice and I'm pretty sure I've been replaced at least once.
